Romantic Actor in a Fantasy World


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A romantic cast of actors living in a quasi-medieval fantasy world, ready! action! cue!

– Alan!!!! Stop causing trouble!!!

… and here’s one more romantic fool who always thinks about cleaning up later.

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Romantic Actor in Fantasy World
판타지 세상의 낭만 배우
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2 Reviews

New TPARealm
Sep 03, 2024
Status: --
Good start. I'd say give this novel a chance since the author seems to have something interesting going.

This is more of a reply to davidwolf2d, but the "strange developments" are more or less normal in a feudalistic society. For example, the MC's mother breast feeding the prince is normal, since historically royals and those of the aristocratic class had wet mothers to breastfeed their children since the mothers were so busy with helping their husbands manage the territory. I'd imagine the same would be doubly true of a queen/empress.... more>> This was true of all societies at some point in time, so while it may seem strange by today's standards, it's really nothing to be that shocked over.

Furthermore, while the MC may have memories from his past life, that wouldn't be to say that his brain and physical body would enable him to act the same way. A child's body, and therefore brain, has noticeable differences structurally and hormonally from an adult's. This means that even if an adult's "soul" would be inserted into a child's body, there is no realistic way in which they would be able to act like they did in their original body.

Yes, his POV does certainly convey the fact that he views himself as an adult. But is he really? Part of the function of first person is to convey the personality of a character, which can be quite interesting. A character can lie about what they see, falsely perceive certain situations, etc. It's called having an "Unreliable Narrator". That is part and parcel of the art of narrative writing, yet people on this site seem to fume whenever it is used, despite it being a valid technique. Sometimes, I wonder if literacy rates have been on the decline, since novels with this sort of writing have been present for hundreds of years. American Psycho, Gone Girl, A Clockwork Orange, The Great Gatsby, and Fight Club are just a few examples.

As someone who has actually studied child development and human psychology in a University setting, I find myself getting slightly irritated by people who give novels a poor rating because it seems "unrealistic" for these reasons.

Therefore, I will be giving this novel five stars to balance out what I view to be unfair rating. <<less
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New davidwolf2d
Sep 01, 2024
Status: --
Terrible synopsis so here's a better one: Soldier dies in a war and reincarnates into a modern world with magic. Yes, it's modern, just slightly behind Earth in terms of progress. He dreams of being an actor, but aside from that, it's your typical reincarnation novel.

You have your 40 years old MC being like "how do you do, fellow kids" with other 4 year old kids, almost treating them like adults. At one point, he says he wanted to be a kid's big brother, but he found himself relying on... more>> the kid, lol.

But there are also some very strange developments. One is that for some reason, the author decided that the MC's mother would breastfeed the prince, who is not blood-related. This is the prince that MC "relies on." Second is that the mother, for some reason, decided to scare her 3-year-old son to death into making him think that his father was dead and then laughed at him.

Apparently, MC's real mental age has zero advantages. He falls behind kids in studying and acts pretty much like a child.

Lastly, most of the first two chapters are infodumped, directly telling you what happened as if a friend of yours was telling you the latest gossip. Overall, it looks as though this is the kind of novel where the "comedy" comes at the MC's expense. The second chapter ends with his father suckerpunching him with an uppercut.

Not giving it a rating because it's too early to tell, but suffices to say, the start is atrocious. <<less
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