Rise of Qinglian


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Through the efforts of its clansmen, a small family of cultivators slowly established itself into a clan of immortals. This is the record of how a single, small clan came to flourish in strength and numbers.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Rise of Qinglian
Rise of the Green Lotus Family Sect
Top of Qinglian
Related Series
Protect Our Patriarch (1)
Journey of a Sect Leader (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Influence Building

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Date Group Release
09/06/21 Phoenix Walk c7
04/25/21 Phoenix Walk c6
04/04/21 Phoenix Walk c5
03/18/21 Phoenix Walk c4
03/06/21 Phoenix Walk c3
02/26/21 Phoenix Walk c2
02/14/21 Phoenix Walk c1
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3 Reviews sorted by

Ryoiki rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: --
A disappointing novel. The novel just disappoints on a level deemed incomprehensible.

people above claim that the character is selfless. That is true. Too selfless that it seems impossible.

pacing is also all over the place. The main character can be considered the son of luck.

... more>> for example, He meets all sorts of fortuitous encounters.

also. Most of the men here are weaker than their female counterparts.

In the first few chapters

we see the main characters mother stronger than his father. We see his sister having better talent than him. We see his female cousin having much better talent than his male cousin.

100 chapters later. We see his favourite cousin have a girl with stronger talent than her male cousin

also his daughter having better talent than her brother.

this is a common trope

Also. Things could go wrong for other clan members but for his direct family, Everything would go swimmingly

I stopped after a while <<less
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Goodreadsonly rated it
July 7, 2022
Status: c197
Your typical weak to strong just more focused on a clan building. The MC doesn't move on to a sect and stays at home, improving the lives of his clan.

If you're bored it's an okay read and the mtl is understandable. But I stopped for a moment and asked myself why I'm reading this and couldn't give an answer. I didn't get attached to any of the characters; there's just not a lot of emotional depth to them. The fighting scenes are boring (but they tend to be anyways). They... more>> are especially boring because it's side characters you barely know or care about fighting.

I might pick this up again because I don't know if it gets better later? I wish I liked or even hated one character enough to want to know.

Overall it falls flat and there are better xianxia novels. <<less
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M.trikz rated it
July 28, 2022
Status: c850
It's an excellent clan-building novel. The main character is actually selfless and focuses on building up the clan. No arrogant young masters or harem, it actually focuses on the clan rising from a small family to the most significant force in their world step by step and the struggles they face. It also doesn't focus only on the main character, but also on other clan members that are quite interesting characters. The novel doesn't have the excessive self-gratification and selfishness of the main character like you see in most other... more>> novels, the main character is actually likeable. Although it starts off a little slow, it gets much better. A decent read overall. <<less
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