Reversed Fate in the 70s: Marrying the Factory Director rather than Rough Man


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Jiang Li, a wealthy rent collector in Guangdong City, traveled back to the 1970s and became a poor, starving girl in a period novel.

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Lokilaki rated it
December 4, 2024
Status: c25
Book cover hooked up me, didnt expect much but story itself is pretty nice, definitely into reding. There's few reborn people, nice and sweet love interest, smart heroine who is capable alone but decide to marry not exactly because marriage saves her troubles but because she finds comrade Qi sweet man. Their marriage for the sake of marriage because two people involved finds each other sweet and lovable. Well, maybe for someone their love would be bland, because they have very normal love story, where they met, find each other... more>> attractive and nice, decided to be friends with intention to marry, and slowly fall with each other more and more with each passing day. Not very exciting but for me it's exactly that everyday sweetness that I like. Excitement comes from reborn people and all the trouble around them, that involves Jiang Li. Written and translated quite well, maybe not masterpiece but for sure nice book to spend few evenings in warm blanket and sipping cacao while reading it. <<less
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