Regarding the Prime Minister’s Marriage of Convenience


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It was supposed to be a loveless marriage…the fate of a political marriage between a cool Prime Minister and an ordinary lady.

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The Civil Officer Can Have Sweet Dreams (1)
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Date Group Release
11/03/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
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3 Reviews sorted by

kawaii12345 rated it
November 3, 2022
Status: Completed
It's not very R-18 so I have to take points off for promising but not delivering.

Getting past the content or lack thereof the writing quality wasn't very good even if the translation was well done. Toss in the fact that the plot meandered and I have to wonder can I get my 15 minutes reading this back ?

Bottom line rate it a skip.
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chande rated it
January 26, 2023
Status: Completed
This story was quite okay for me. There's a silly misunderstanding between ML and FL (that obviously could be solved by a simple communication at the beginning) but thankfully it wasn't dragged for long because this story was only a oneshot. The sm*t could be better though.
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Anastrisha rated it
April 8, 2023
Status: Completed
It's not bad, it's not the best either. As the tags suggest it's focus on a misunderstanding between the two (both secretly like each other without the other knowing). And so once it's resolve they finally become a true couple.
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