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Yeon Kang, the fourth prince of the Yeon Dynasty, was a bubbly, cute child who grew up with his mother in the farthest corner of Cheong Palace, unloved by Emperor. However, one fateful encounter changes the trajectory of his life. Showered with overwhelming attention from his Emperor Father, how will he face the envy and jealousy of his siblings and the palace harem? How can he survive in a palace surrounded by death itself? When did his father’s love took turn for the worse? Can he escape?


In 688, in the 20th year of Yeongwi (차), Yongang, the King of Seongjong, was called by heaven and rebuked as a blessing.

“You have to tell the answer from heaven. That must be your duty.”

“Your Majesty”

“Go ahead and tell me, what answer the heavens gave, and who the heavens appointed for the heavenly concubine.”

“The new concubine of His Majesty, announced by the heavens,…”

“Your Majesty’s new concubine..’

After swallowing dry saliva, the priest fixed his swaying gaze to the floor and opened his mouth again.

“Is Prince Yeonghyeon, the son of your Majesty and the real Prince.


“Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Looks like something is wrong! Kang, no, Prince Younghyeon is His Majesty’s own child! Putting the word to heaven once again.!”


“From now on, Prince Yeonghyeon is not my son. To be treated as a concubine of a heavenly man.”

“Prince Yeonghyeon is no longer the prince. He is the concubine of the heavenly man.”

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