Reborn with My Genius Husband


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One day, Wen Xia suddenly had the whimsical thought, “What if I could go back to high school and work hard to get into a good university?”

After being reborn,

Wen Xia looked at her husband, who was ten years younger, and asked, “Qin Mo, does this count as early dating?”

“No,” Qin Mo replied slowly, then added, “It counts as early marriage.”


Wen Xia sprayed milk tea all over the table.


In this life, it’s all about not leaving regrets in youth.

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New LittleRedReadingHood rated it
November 22, 2024
Status: c24
As of now, I like the development very much

Only thing is ... more>>

I don't like FL's friend giving away Fl's number to a guy who likes FL without her consent. That friend even invites FL to amusement park when she knows that guy is gonna confess to FL and she also knows FL doesn't like that guy at all. I also don't like how FL deals with her admirers. She knows they like her, but doesn't actually directly reject them? WTF? Make your attitude clear you idiot. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ PoorML. As of now I don't think he's unreasonably jealous at all. If some guy who likes your GF hangs around her and buys her things and your GL stands there awkwarddly but still doesn't directly make it clear to the guy so that the guy would stop, what will you do?

That's all, but it is only a slight dissatisfaction... Overall I like the novel as of ch24 <<less
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