Reborn Into A Dark Social Game World With Completely Loyal Friends.


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The young man, Andou Minato, was deeply engrossed in a certain social game.

Its name was Dark Resonance—commonly known as “Dakurezo”—a simulation RPG set in a cruel world.

Despite its brutal content and lack of ethical considerations, it became a game of hegemonic status due to its fascinating characters and excellent storyline.

And so, while spending peaceful days playing such a game, he suddenly found himself transported into that very world.

Without knowing the cause, he was thrown into a world that, while great to play in, was the last place he wanted to experience in reality.

However, in that worst-case scenario world, Minato pondered.

He had no intention of interfering with the original story… it belonged to the people living in this world and to the protagonist.

Yet, even so, in such an extreme and harsh world, he couldn’t help but feel the desire to lend a hand…

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