Rebirth As the Queen Ant, Starting From Laying Eggs!


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Day 110 in this strange new world… Laying eggs.

Day 111… Still laying eggs. Ugh, I’m out of those sweet-and-sour fruits, which means another meal of raw meat.

Day 112… Laying eggs.

Day 113… Laying eggs—oh, and I took a quick bath by the lake.

Day 114… Laying eggs.

Day 115… Laying eggs.

Day 116… Laying—NO! I refuse! If this keeps up, I’ll be nothing more than an egg-

laying machine!

Day 117… Laying eggs.

Day 118… Out of sheer boredom, I laid more eggs… At least my children are working hard to explore the outside world. Maybe they’ll find something tasty today.

Day 119… Laying eggs.

Day 120… Laying eggs—until I ran into a human. A little girl!

And just like that, the moment I hatched from my ant egg, my adventure in another world began.

The otherworldly journey of campus beauty Lin Yu is about to unfold!

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Reborn As the Queen Ant, Starting From Laying Eggs!
Reincarnated as an Ant Queen: Starting from Laying Eggs!
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