Realize Online – A Gamer Who Loves to Play with Bug Tricks Overruns the eSports World with His Inhuman Skills


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An extremely popular VRMMO “Real World Online” with a total of one billion players.

Sora Aoi, a high school student, thinks about the game even when he sleeps and eats, and even logs in secretly during his breaks at school.

But he doesn’t want to stand out, so he plays the game solo nowadays. He hides his face, helps people as a hobby in the game in order to imitate a hero.

Then one day, he meets Rena Ginjo, a very beautiful girl who transferred to his school, and his life changes completely.

“You’re the mysterious ‘Aoki Hayate (Blue Gale)’-san hero that’s all over the internet, right? If you don’t want your true identity to be revealed, will you do what I say?”

For some reason, she knows who he is, and Sora can’t help but show his gaming skills in front of many people.

“I don’t want to stand out too much, but I can’t stop playing games!”

Having devoted his entire youth to gaming, he shocks the world with a skill far beyond that of a professional gamer!

A super ambitious work of VRMMO x Augmented Reality x eSports!

This is the passionate and youthful heroic tale of a boy who yearns to be a hero.

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リアライズ・オンライン ~バグ技が大好きなゲーム廃人は、人外の腕前でeスポーツ界を蹂躙する~
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  1. E-Sports

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3 Reviews sorted by

Xxsafirex rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: c13
(this is a NU 4 star, 6|7 /10)

the resume didn't make much sense but seemed interesting so I read ahead some chapters.

So the MC is basically a die hard fan of one of his childhood TV serie and no-life geek.

he decided years ago to act like the hero of the serie in the VR game and has continued so till today. The story is about Rena Ginjo, daughter of one of the VR industrial group, who's basically leading MC by the finger using his fondness for both... more>> the game and the TV serie to popularize the game through esport.

(the "Sora can't help but show his gaming skills in front of many people." part is about him playing with his face covered).

The plot is ok-tier and the story so far is rather fun. <<less
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Tanthalus rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: c4
The world building is interesting. The motives of the characters make sense and the writing is crisp. Looking forward to more
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Stompound rated it
March 1, 2022
Status: c13
Shounen definitely feels like an apt tag for this story. It's a casual read and all the characters feel about as mature as a young teen.

The story is light hearted and a bit fun. And the translations seems pretty good so far. Looks like they give it a solid effort.

I gave it 4 stars because it's a nice casual read but so far the world building and story don't feel very complete. I might give it the 5th star later if it keeps my interest.

It's nice that the MC seems... more>> sort of intelligent and his EQ isn't completely 0. He also is dedicated to his dreams and passions which is respectable. <<less
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