Rather Than Zhang Ran, Zhang Bao’s Eldest Daughter


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A Bonapartist history scholar who had dreamed of becoming Jean Lannes, instead finds himself reincarnated as Zhang Ran and dropped into the world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

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New Blankcanvas rated it
February 7, 2025
Status: c70
I want to preface this review by saying it's my first time writing a review but I think this novel was worth it.

Firstly, translation, the reason I rate this novel 4 stars. I think the translation was somewhat inconsistent, particularly with the names of all the different characters that appear in the novel. Sometimes the names of the a character is used for other completely different characters; or other times the names of a character is translated wrong and you are left wondering, is this a new person? Where did... more>> they come from? If that wasn't confusing enough, for that period of history, people had 2 names, a given name and a courtesy name that is a more casual nickname esq thing. So you have every single character in this novel running around with 2 names, each of which can be used interchangably depending on context and can also be mistranslated. Needless to say, it can get very, VERY confusing at times.

For the historical aspect... I'm glad to say it's very good, provided you know what is going on. For this reason, I recommend at least getting a general grasp of what happens in the actual Romance of the Three Kingdoms from which this novel is based on. Getting to know the characters from the Three Kingdoms also helps with understanding this novel. I'm not going to lie though, I still had Wikipedia open on another tab to look up names I didn't recognize. It gives a little more context to each character that the author may or may not go into, so I definitely think Wikipedia was a real hero for me when reading this novel. One particular thing I liked about this historical-reincarnation novel is that it doesn't resort to: "I invented a gun when everybody else was using swords, I win." This novel is done with enough realism that I can actually immerse myself into the story which I think a lot of other reincarnation into history stories fail at. There is no secret deus ex machina super-weapon that wins battles immediately, everything feels planned out methodically.

Our MC does invent Stirrups, but it is simple enough to create once the concept was there. It also doesn't immediately cause her to win battles, it just makes her cavalry slightly better and easier to train which I really liked. She didn't invent a wonder weapon in other words.


It also depicts that people of history weren't just idiots that didn't know how to deploy an army or tactics. They were smart, well-studied people that did the best with what they had. The MC dispite being reincarnated, used tactics that could have been used at that period of time easily. The only difference from the characters that didn't reincarnate is that she knows when and where to deploy the army given she knows the future.

Overall this novel feels like the Author actually studied Three Kingdoms since it doesn't seem to have too much inconsistency in character decision making to me. Albiet I only have a rough understanding of Three Kingdoms, so others may be able to pick out some bones. But I rated this novel pretty highly for now as the quality of the story is high. The translation is a little bit questionable but I think the concept of this novel is too interesting to pass up just because of some translation issues. If you are a history buff, give it a try.

If I ever change my opinion later on in this novel or when I complete this novel, I'll probably update this review, but for now that's all I have to say. <<less
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