Raising Orphans, Not Assassins


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Chen Ye transmigrates to the Great Wu Dynasty and binds himself to an orphan cultivation system. As long as he nurtures orphans, he earns points, which can be used to draw skills to bestow upon the orphans.


Chen Ye always feels that these traits are a bit strange.

[Strong Physique: Increases strength growth rate; but can only use heavy weapons] [Dexterous Hands: Enhances talents in cooking, sewing, and other life skills; greatly enhances talent in mechanisms and manual techniques] [Perseverance: As long as there is determination, nothing is impossible; but thoughts must be clear and unobstructed] [Draw Lots: The things drawn will accompany for a lifetime; but…]
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I’m Really Raising Orphans, Not Assassins
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Digix rated it
July 5, 2024
Status: c194
Having read the first 2 volumes I can say this is a pretty average novel. The story is different in the way it interlinks the different adventures and lives of the Orphans. I will say that there is a prelude to a bigger confrontation in the background, but we are far far away from that.

Each volume so far is focused on telling a different story and on the growth of the Orphans. The MC takes a back seat to much of the story and is usually used as a pivot... more>> for key points or to show off. The MC weirdly enough is not struggling or going through the typical cultivation or wuxia issues. Instead the MC focus is just making sure the Orphans are on the right path as much as possible.

The biggest issue is the author struggles to utilize these moments early on. Volume 1 for example had continuous issues with character growth and seeing where the story would lead. It felt like the author had a checklist of points to hit and things to accomplish and neatly wrapped it up with the MC. Volume 2 improved upon this with more backstory and having certain things alluded to and suspense left in. The issue is that Volume 2 still suffered as the author swiped away all the problems in a quick and messy way.

I have just started Volume 3 and I hope I can continue to see the author improve. So far I have seen some changes between 1 & 2 and I hope those improvements continue in Volume 3. I would say this is a novel that is average for now and has lots of room for improvement. It is not bad, but you can see the points it is lacking at as you read along. <<less
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