Rainy Night, the Yandere Sister Begs Me to Take Her In


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[Sugar Sweet] + [No System] + [No Reincarnation] + [Light Novel] + [Not Self-Insert]

A tsundere girl, an underground idol, a rookie voice actress, a childhood friend turned editor, a doujin artist… After I made my wish, they all came into my life. Fighting for the single position of female lead, they began their fierce competition.

Three years later, Lu Qing clasped his hands in prayer: “Oh God of Inspiration, I was too immature back then. Please spare me…”

Also known as: “If Someone Would Cosplay Everything for Me,” “Dragged into the Abyss by Yandere Girls,” “Love Conquers All, Right?,” “Those Big Sisters Don’t Need to Exist.”

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10053723 rated it
January 1, 2025
Status: c99
The title is misleading, while the yandere sister is big in the story, it is more about our MC interaction with the heroines, making them obsessed with him and becoming yandere. Our main character is an author of webnovels, who is successful and makes a decent amount. He has a lot saved up and is pretty successful. One day, a girl shows up in the rain, and he lets her in, and it is revealed she is his sister, likely the same father, different mother. What he doesn't know is... more>> that she is obsessed and a yandere. Our MC isn't also just an author, he used to play the electric guitar, but he gave it up for a reason (spoiler below) So far there are 4 heroines, I'm rooting for one (bias), maybe 5.

So I'm going to go with the cons first since the pros are big...

Translation is decent, but not great, no hate. They started with guitar but it became piano, which is confusing.

Start is slow, it takes a while to ramp up to peak, around 30ish where he conquers (per se) a heroine


Side characters are fleshed out with good character traits, but still human.

Interactions between characters are realistic, and our MC is very smart.

HEAVY OBSESSION (BIG YANDERE) Con if you dislike yandere but come on, really?.

MC (Lu Qing)


So our MC is an author as said before, who writes romance, who makes decent money. He is smart and I really like him as a MC. He plays the guitar, but due to health reasons. He gave it up, but also likely had a mental issue. He has a father who is arrested for writing 18+. He is very into maids. He has a habit of fully obsessing over someone entirely before doing something, for example research before writing or understanding maids, behavior, clothing, etc. He is very into music, and he acts like a pe*vert to it. The health issue that he is due to a fictional disease called su*cide migrates, which causes painful headaches to the point of su*cide to relieve yourself of the pain. He gets saved by an old doctor, which makes him treat the doctor as savior and makes him want to save other people like the doctor did to him, which leads him to help the other heroines and make them obsessed.


Sister (Su Ling)


Sister of our MC, the background is simple, very pretty, and a brocon. She comes from his father, likely with another woman. She loves his brother very much, and would do anything for him, typical yandere. She is the one who discovers his secret of music and wants to help the MC back into music. Very manipulative as well.

She inhabits the typical yandere, heavy love and unwavering dedication, along with jealousy.

Personal Opinion (Worst in my opinion, but mainly because I have another main girl and she lacks other gimmicks except being his sister. Also personally hate her being manipulative.)


Neighbor VA (Bai Xing)


So she is a vtuber, and she does it to pay for her grandmother's surgery. However due to this, her body is tired, and she loses her fan due to an incident. She's also very tatenled in voice acting, which makes MC interesting due to his background on music. However, the MC helps her, and now she likes him and wants to date him.

She is not obsessed currently, however she is going down to the path, light stalking, etc.

Candidate for the pure love heroine.

Personal Opinion (She's okay, her story is charming)


Artist (Tang Hua)


At first, her persona is a 38 year old man. She is an artist who is very obsessed and dependent on MC. She is very messy, and clumsy. She is an artist, but she can't draw girls without big b**bs. This due to the fact that she herself has HUGE, BIG, MASSIVE b**bs. (best girl lol). Due to this, many people don't hire her, but mostly only MC does, which makes her very dependent on him for money. Later on, when he finds out, he cleans her up, and takes care of her.

Does big stalking (like 1000 pictures of MC + some bathroom ones as well)

Dependent Yandere

Personal Opinion (Best Girl)


Music Friend (Mu Lin)


Mu Lin is Mu Xia's sister, and she is a loli body type. She fell out of grace with the company, and now manages a cafe. She plays the bass, and is a friend of MC when he was playing music. He and her were friends, but after he quit Music, she was left on read, and became obsessed.

Currently we are on her arc, but she seems very interesting.

She is likely the loli heroine, and yandere levels seems more light, and more so because she got left on read.

Personal Opinion (While I dislike lolis, ignoring that, she seems to be very cool, second best girl.)


CEO's daughter (Mu Xia)


Mu Xia is the sister of Mu Lin. She feels trapped and wants freedom, and is obsessed with her sister, drinking her coffee after Mu Lin threw it out. She is also obsessed with MC's novel, but we haven't gotten to her arc yet.

Yandere Type (wait and see)

Personal Opinion (wait and see)

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UniquelySelfless rated it
December 19, 2024
Status: c54
The yandere tag is strong in this one. The heroines haven't pulled out any knifes or displayed violent behaviors, but some of them are very mentally unstable and possessive of the main character. The characters and their struggles are the highlights of the story for me.
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Spoop rated it
December 29, 2024
Status: c87
Kinda caught up on this one. So far, I like the pacing of the story and how it introduces the characters that share a relationship with the MC, directly or indirectly, and quite possibly the realism of the MC as a "human"-like character that just goes on his own way, trying to live his life despite the challenges. This review would either be too long if I dive into it, and too short if I try to summarize it. As of the moment, this provides a refreshing perspective of how... more>> the characteristic navigates through his relationships while being aware of critical personalities when observing the heroines. <<less
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