Rainbow Amber


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Yan Shu Wang (Gong) (35 years old) & Zheng Yu An (Shou) (30 years old)

Basically, Zheng Yu An met Yan Shu Wang because of his work as a banker, but slowly developed a good impression of Yan Shu Wang under Yan Shu Wang’s teasing.

Long-haired/Beautiful/CFO Gong X Gentle/Charming/Banker Shou

Associated Names
One entry per line
CaiHong HuPo
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  2. Novels 9
  3. Novel di Jing Shuibian
  4. BL novel that I have read part 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/28/22 Yumi Translates c7
04/21/22 Yumi Translates c6
10/25/21 Yumi Translates c5
09/26/21 Yumi Translates c4
08/07/21 Yumi Translates c3
07/27/21 Yumi Translates c2
07/17/21 Yumi Translates c1
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5 Reviews sorted by

Common_people rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I like it very muuaaach! It's sweet~ and short. It's good. Their relationship development is good, warm, no drama, from the heating stage to the hot stage and finally burning. The gong and shou, both are honest with their feelings and admit it honestly. Well, the shou is a little confused with his feelings at first, but the two couples are very mature, so they can decide wisely enough.

It's about falling in love in the right way, even the straight guy Will be Bent.
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periperi rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c37
4 stars

Not sure why but the site I was reading this on only had till chapter 37 but I can kind of see the ending line so shall rate and give my review.

Overall romance and characters, setting and side characters, I give everything 5 stars. The straight MC set up and his acceptance of the slow romance, the almost (dare I say) seductive ML and the blossoming of their romance was very nice to read. It was also realistic, I feel, because ML very eloquently has this talk with MC... more>>

about how MC is not from his circle. He may have some feelings now, but what about 5, or 10 years down the road? It's refreshing to have this kind of mature conversation especially since MC starts out as very firm in his orientation.


I also like the side characters, especially MC's boss, who added humour to the story.

The minus-ing of 1 star is purely subjective to me alone and it is due to health issues. I can't stand.... the SMOKING. There, I said it. It's me, not the book. As a HCP and reader of many chinese books with smoking characters, this book takes the cake in heavy smoking (even though MC says he's not a heavy smoker). Putting my rant in spoilers:

I can almost smell the cigarette as I was reading. They are literally smoking every few sentence or offering a cig every other (or drinking, choose your own vice). I do not see how one can maintain the image of a beautiful man while smoking (because of health stuff). To each their own, because I really do not mind a character smoking in a book, but gosh this book took it to another level. I couldn't read with peace in mind. That said, it is really my own, subjective opinion, so don't let that deter you from reading as everything else is really good!


Overall a good contemporary read with mature characters! <<less
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Rida rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: Completed
I really liked it. I loved how the MC's and ML's age and maturity were reflected in their personality and interactions. They were both considerate of each other and didn't deliberately prolong their period of ambiguity before they got into a relationship.

However, the official text officially ended when they got together. I would have liked to see more of the MC's and ML's relationship once they started dating. I loved how the extras gave us a glimpse of this but

... more>>

as we didn't see enough of this, the last extra, when they got married, felt quite abrupt.


And why did it take the ML so long to pursue the MC? The MC had broken up with his ex-girlfriend for quite a while when the story started, so it couldn't have been that.

I was also looking for the extra /smut/ on Weibo everywhere but couldn't find it. If someone could message it me, I would really appreciate it. <<less
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Saikick rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: Completed
For those wondering about extras, shuku had some of it, but according to the comments of some fans in weibo the explicit stuff is available only if you're registered as a fan (check the novel super thread). Ofc, you could also ask other fans for the car there.
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jinmei18 rated it
May 25, 2022
Status: c53
It's really sweet! The relationship development is great, no angst and about their health habits, they change for the better!!! It is well written and I like the ML's views on love, especially since the MC is originally straight.

They handled their relationship maturely. I love the extras so much!

Chapter 36 (with a bit of explicit content) and another extra was posted in author's weibo.
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