Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son


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The people who know Jiang Zhe all say that he is handsome and elegant, with impeccable character. Only the system knows, that this man is a scum; a beast in human clothing.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The Star Light Shines When He Came (5)
I am a Big Villain (5)
Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual (3)
Good Man Operation Guide (2)
Everyone Knows I’m a Good Man (1)
The Supporting Male Protagonist Becomes Life’s Winner [Quick Transmigration] (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. World-hopping BG romance novels with male protagon...
  2. Quick transmigration
  3. QT BG Male Protag
  4. Salmon Latte Translated Novels [NOTICE]
  5. Chinese QT

Latest Release

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02/21/19 Short Term Translations c50 (end)
02/21/19 Short Term Translations c49
02/21/19 Short Term Translations c48
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02/20/19 Short Term Translations c45
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40 Reviews

Xu Wen Hui
Xu Wen Hui
Jan 25, 2019
Status: c1
After reading the first chapter, I'm looking forward to the following chapters. This type of genre seems pretty unique because mostly all the Quick Transmigration stories is either a FL leading or Yaoi.
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Oct 31, 2019
Status: Completed
It's bland. Reeeally bland. No enemy, no mission to carry, no goal.

The 1st arc wasn't that bad, because at least the MC had to conquer his lover. But afterwards, nothing happens. It's a recollection of the MC dating his beloved. I can't even say he jumps to different words, they are not described. No worldbulding, no character development, no plot.

Really, why so many 5 stars? The only good points are that it's fluffy and the translator persevered till the end so we got a complete series.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 19, 2019
Status: c50
I only give three stars due to translator's effort, and also the first arc. The subsequent arc have nothing, and I mean absolutely NOTHING - no ups no downs everything is so smooth sailing, its boring. You can skipped a lot, I barely read the one or two words in every paragraph since its just drivel and sweet nothings. Its a shame since its a straight QT novel with male lead, you don't often see that.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 16, 2020
Status: Completed


This is like parallel world versions of them where he as her lover was a scum man... and he must fix he's ways to save her in his original world.. because he realized that he love her when she got into the accident...

P.s. this is a smooth... more>> sailing series of stories, no drama that makes your blood boil kind of type... so READ THIS TO BE HAPPY AYE?

(I wish I get an amnesia so I can reread this again with excitement and expectation on what's gonna happen next.. the thrill... btw i'll still reread this, it's in my lubrary of favorite now...) <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 12, 2019
Status: c20
Finished the first arc. Will give it a "like" but it was a little confusing.


There was no explanation of what exactly was his task and how it was completed. Although I do get that each time he completes a task, he is contributing towards saving his girlfriend's life. Perhaps more details will be revealed in later arcs.

Synopsis doesn't seem accurate as the MC doesn't seem like scum at all. He is a devoted man and knows how to spoil his girl

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Alina Moktan
Alina Moktan
Feb 11, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel and The Star Light Shines When He Come is my favorite quick transmigration with male protagonist and adorable female lead. This is Very nice and best novel I ever read. I love their interact, so cute and fluffy between MC and female lead. MC is loyal and strong. Female lead is so adorable.

Recommend this gem novel.
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Sadly, didn't enjoy it. The premise was interesting, a male MC transmigrating to different worlds where he has to "redeem" himself with the FL, however there's not enough substance: no world building, no character development, no plot either.

Since this is a short novel, only around 50 chapters, I wasn't expected much, but the arcs all feel very rushed.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 28, 2020
Status: c11
Quite bad with the details honestly, just fluff, after chapter 11 I gave up because seeing a bed scene I didn't want to read it.
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Aina Seira
Aina Seira
Jan 30, 2019
Status: --
I finally found what I am looking for. XD

No more female or female-in-heart transmigrators! This is what makes it quite unique so I will follow it until the end.

Well, hopefully, TL-sama won't drop it halfway.
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade
Jul 22, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel has a great storyline and interesting lead characters. The only thinh lacking is the world background and plot setting for each new arc. Most times I can visualize what the era, country, technoogy level and other small details that color the background are. Sometimes, there is no introduction or information on the characters that the MC transmigrates into, if it's fortunate, it might be included later, if not, it's like stumbling around in the dark with no idea what the goal is.

Good story, it just needs more details.
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 23, 2022
Status: Completed
For the best reading experience you should read the first arc, then any other random arc, then the last chapter. Besides the first arc there was little to no plot. This is just a bland 'romance' novel about nothing overall.
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Jan 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Have to agree with the other reviewer that the story is kinda bland. However, it's just my cup of tea, I prefer to read stories with less conflict sometimes. The story is really light and short, each arc is only 10 chapters with the exception of the first arc being 20 chapters.

The thing is, sometime the background stories of the original soul's world isn't being described clearly and the readers, or even the translator have to guess if it's ancient times or modern ones or what. And most important is,... more>> the story doesn't really state the reason why the MC have to transmigrate. Added to it the break line between each transmigration or each world is a little bit confusing. <<less
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Sweet! But too bland.

It is too raw that you can't digest it directly and can not enjoy it completely.

3 stars.

Thank you Translator!!!! May you have a great year ahead!

3 stars!
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Aug 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Any good boi practicing the art of dao and now can transform into a human out there? This novel is for you.

You love your rich second generation owner. Owner doesn't love you. You bout to die after accident, owner suddenly figures out that he has feelings for you. Random system appears, owner goes worldhopping, your soul is shattered, every world has a good boi with your soul particle who loves his slag owner, owner just gotta make the good bois happy and after they die system will collect their soul... more>> particles. After worldhopping is done owner comes back, your life is saved and you live happily ever after. The end.

1 star for that nonexistent good boi. <<less
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Jul 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Rarely read a straight novel with a man protagonist and it disappoint.

Sweet but plain and boring.

We have no introduction on the respective worlds- we suddenly dive into it and the girl appears. Each girl is helplessly inlove with the MC making everything particularly easier.

Special mention to arc 3 where the FL is annoying lol.

It could be better. I like fluff- but we nees to have other factors other than romance to make it interesting.

It's just romance with no substance.
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Apr 22, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel really a sweet read

I recommend this novel to someone who wants to read something sweet without bloody drama.

Except for arc 1, the story don't really have the villain or revenge. This is simple sweet story between MC and FL.

... more>> And what make me really happy is the FL in each world is the original FL in real world. So that's not like ML has an affair with other women LOL.

The purpose of the system didn't being described thoroughly. But I think, the system's purpose is to rehabilitate (?) MC to become a good man whose cares about his lover/wife.

Well, read this if you want a simple heartwarming story! &Lt;3 <<less
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Apr 20, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is full of romance fluff. That's it. There's not even much plot. Just fluff.

As some of the reviewers stated, the novel is lacking a lot in details. What did the System even tasked him to do? What was supposed to be his objective?

... more>>

The worlds that he went through could also use a bit more description. I thought the first world was modern at first, but only realized that it was sorta historical after a few chapters in.

And there's not much plot. MC just goes straight to flirting with FL and eventually live happily ever after. That world with the transmigrated girl could've had an interesting plot line. But nothing happened. She was just the other woman. It was unnecessary for her to be a transmigrator.


Recommended if you're into romance fluff and not picky about the details. <<less
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Dec 06, 2019
Status: Completed
This is very fluffy, lighthearted read. It's a good "break" book if you don't have a lot time to read longer/better books.

Overall, the storyline isn't particularly unique but that's why this is a good comfort read. There aren't any unpleasant surprises or big emotional ups/downs. Everything just goes well.

The main character is male in the story, which is a nice spin on the many female MC QT books out there. Unfortunately the storytelling isn't particularly immersive with many events feeling summarized, like you're reading a detailed summary instead of an... more>> actual book, so this story doesn't get a higher rating from me. <<less
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Sep 12, 2019
Status: Completed
Honestly I liked it a lot.

Yes its a little laking in closure or beginning of the Arcs, but I enjoyed it and it was really quick. I found it also very sweet and not too sweet.

For sure I recommend but dont expect deep plots and a lot face slapping and drama. A very light sweet read.
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Jul 16, 2019
Status: Completed
Well this novel is a good read if you are looking for a past time, short and fluffy. Although this novel is adorably fluffy I am still confused what is the mission of him transmigrating from different world. Anyways I really recommend this one as it is so sweet af.
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