Quick Transmigration: Best Seat to watch the Drama Unfold


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Fulfill the wishes of every female supporting character

Earn points to achieve your own desires.

Who says supporting female characters must be stepping stones?

Supporting female characters don’t have to become the protagonist, but they can watch quietly from the sidelines.

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RuneOrthrus rated it
July 20, 2024
Status: c200
Despite being quick transmigration, this is a *very* slow novel. It seems like the author decided before starting that each world would be 100 chapters, and the pacing suffers terribly for it.

In both arcs I read, as of chapter 200, there is way too much meandering and no real climaxes. The arc just goes along mundanely until it abruptely ends at the 100th chapter. Its a weird one, honestly. Maybe that kind of rhythm could work in a slice of life, but this isnt really one. And besides, at least... more>> personally, its not the kind of pace you'd want in a QT novel (there is quick in the name, cmom).

I intend to read some more, because I saw that they don't stick to the 100 chapter format forever. So I'm curious how it will go. I'll update my review if I feel like it warrants. <<less
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