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To save my grandmother, I knelt down and begged Shen Jinzhao.

By day, he is guarded by his bodyguards; by night, he is my lover.

He has many beautiful women around him, but I am the only one left.

I thought I was special.

Until I heard his mocking voice: “I’m just playing with him.”

I left without looking back.

I heard that the young master of the Shen family was digging three feet underground, looking for a small bodyguard.

Later, I found myself pinned beneath him: “I’m a mad dog; don’t provoke me.”

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  4. Lhaozi Translations
  5. Short Stories 2

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hknico rated it
October 7, 2024
Status: Completed
The master and mad dog dynamic here is TASTY the shou is very close to losing it throughout the story. Lashing out on the gong in the way that actually hurts is like a balm to my soul... Always love it when the shou knows where to hurt.

Story progression is so-so (it's only 7 chapters after all) but like I said, the master and mad dog relationship is worth the read.
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