Princess’ Dangerous Brothers


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Lestia, who grew up in the slums with her drunken uncle and managed to make ends meet by selling flowers. One night when her uncle, who was threatened by the thugs because of his debt, tried to sell her off.

“Hey, get your hands off her.”

A group of beautiful boys appeared out of nowhere. They defeat the thugs at once and say incredible things to Lestia.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, my sister.”

Surprisingly, she was the daughter of the Duke of Verchester, a family that has produced wizards for generations. But it’s hard to believe those words without any proof.

“Come on, Lestia. Let’s go home.”

But did she want to hold on to any hope? She grabbed the boys’ hands, a little impulsively.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Four Dangerous Brothers to My Rescue! (Manhwa)
The Princess’s Dangerous Brothers
공녀님의 위험한 오빠들
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kawaii12345 rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c12
TLDR: The translation is excellent. The story idea is compelling. The novel however is brought down by disorganized writing, and an unwillingness to use the plot elements.

Taking a look at the first big fail. In the opening Lestia is about to be sold off by her drunk uncle. The brothers come in rescue her, buy her from the uncle, after we find out her father placed her with the "uncle" and prepaid child support. None of this has any depth. There's no exploration of her ab*se, there's no fear from... more>> her being sold off, there's complete confusion when she doesn't want justice. It felt like the author was giving the reader, the bum's rush. There's, ore character and world elements that are much the same.

So while this novel does have the pieces, it currently isn't putting them together well. <<less
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