Pretending to be Blind in the Cultivation World


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Wen Xu was naturally face-blind; no matter how many handsome men and beauties graced the cultivation world, to him, they all looked like wooden stakes.

Of course, his face blindness didn’t hinder his path towards cultivation and ascension. In fact, it served as a massive motivation for diligent practice, since he genuinely couldn’t remember anyone’s features!

It was truly challenging for him, so upon entering Yonglu Mountain’s sect gates, Wen Xu decided to act blind.

Well, at least until he cultivated divine senses and could recognize individuals by their aura instead—he had to pretend to be blind.

Being this blind, however, wasn’t as easy as one might think.

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whimsandfantasies rated it
October 3, 2024
Status: c250
If you love Xianxia with a healthy dose of comedy entwined with philosophical exploration of the dao, you should definitely go for this.

The author did a great job with the character portrait and created very vivid 3D personas. Throughout the book, you can feel the growth of the MC and his two best friends as they explore the immortal world of cultivation, get into trouble because of their curiosity and learn to face the good and the bad of human nature. The other characters in the book were equally well... more>> fleshed out and you can see the effort the author made in creating a new world in her book with its own laws, customs and breathed life into it through her characters.

The best part was definitely the tone of the book. Even though there is deeper exploration made into obscure topics like the Tao, it never felt boring. The tone was light hearted throughout most of the text and the jokes were definitely in the right places.

Overall, it is a must read. <<less
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