Predator-Type Magical Girl


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Humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction due to the emergence of the Incubi, otherworldly monsters that capture humans to use as breeding material, and the only ones that can stand against these enemies are the Witches, magical girls given powers by supernatural beings. High schooler Renka Azuma is one such girl; her alter ego is Silver Lotus, a magical girl controlling countless insects to fight the Incubi day after day.

On a certain day, Silver Lotus rescues a fellow Witch, a novice named Azure Nova, from an Incubi attack. This meeting with this self-proclaimed fan of hers is an encounter that introduces a change to Silver Lotus’s otherwise solitary daily life?! Here begins a dark fantasy about an unorthodox magical girl who commands insects to devour monsters!

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Hoshokusha Kei Mahou Shoujo
Predator Magical Girl
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Date Group Release
09/20/24 Headcanon TL v1c8
09/12/24 Headcanon TL v1c7
09/05/24 Headcanon TL v1c6
08/29/24 Headcanon TL v1c5
08/22/24 Headcanon TL v1c4
08/15/24 Headcanon TL v1c3
08/08/24 Headcanon TL v1c2
08/01/24 Headcanon TL v1c1
08/01/24 Headcanon TL v1 illustrations
3 Reviews

New DDosGaming
Sep 13, 2024
Status: v1c6
Okey-ish story with a good translation.

But I've to say that the insect control is kind of a letdown. So many crearively horrific things she could traumatized those incubii.
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New Sareza
Sep 07, 2024
Status: v1c8
Ever thought about a dark fantasy magical girl story where the monsters are straight out of Goblin Slayer? That's what this novel delivers, goblins, lycanthropes, and anthropomorphic creatures that aren't just mindless enemies. These monsters have human intelligence, using tactics like stealth and ambushes, especially when a magical girl is isolated. The world is bleak, if a magical girl loses, she isn't just defeated but violated and turned into a living seedbed. It's a brutal and unsettling twist, but it's what gives the plot its unique edge.

The protagonist stands out,... more>> fighting like a Mechanic class from The Legendary Mechanic, but instead of machines, she uses pseudo-biological lifeforms created from magic. She excels in strategic combat, always cautious and calculating. Though she's physically weak, she's nearly unbeatable unless caught off guard, like in those rare moments of betrayal by other Magical Girls, which probably won't happen. She's also a perfect counter to Incubus, making her one of the toughest Magical Girl to deal with.

The power system in this novel is distinct for a magical girl story. It isn't your typical magical girl setup. The world-building and unique setting are also well-written. The magical girls, while physically strong and capable of casting magic, are still just girls. Many of them are naive, lacking real-world experience, and mentally vulnerable, especially in a world where losing means being subjected to such a horrific fate.

Overall, this novel dives deep into dark fantasy territory, but it does so with a compelling plot and a protagonist who is both clever and resourceful. The combination of world-building, the power system, and the unique twist on the magical girl genre makes it a standout read for those who appreciate darker, more intense stories.

PS. There's no tragedy tag, but the novel feels very ominous, author might be cooking something up. I also agree with @Zwil's review, I was really expecting a full-on dark fantasy novel.

The LN illustrator is the same one as TEIS <<less
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Aug 28, 2024
Status: v1c17
A very fun and nice premise of a magical girl who uses insects and warfare knowledge to turn basically give her enemies a taste of their own medicine.

However, this story does have some problems mainly stems from the fact that it's still too early to judge. Even so, there's still parts that are very questionable and the vibe of the story is weird. It felt like the author was trying to highlight the dark reality of their world but sometimes just added too much lighthearted things and made the deaths... more>> of the magical girls seem normal and not something to be mentioned upon on.

Hopefully volume 2 does clean up the inconsistencies of this story as it does have great potential.

TLDR: Medium-high recommendation as for now. <<less
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