Potato BL


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It’s only cooking so it’s SFW. All ‘taters, young and old can read.

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04/02/21 Watashi wa Sugoi Desu oneshot
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Undying Winter
Undying Winter
February 5, 2023
Status: oneshot
I'm crying, but I have no idea whether it's because this oneshot was ridiculously funny or ridiculously traumatic, or perhaps both at the same time.

  • It's a 'love story' (yes, you heard me right) between two varieties of potatoes, May Queen and Genpei Potato; But we also have a villain, a potato villain to be more exact, in this potato story, Irish Cobbler. Pardon my language, but this f*cker literally attempts (or actually goes through with it?)

    Potato gang r*pe on the May Queen with his fellow potato degenerates. Yes, you heard me right once again... and now you probably wish you were deaf, don't ya?

I don't even know how to rate it. I'd just say that this is one of those oneshots that you come across and start reading out of sheer curiosity that the title 'Potato BL' itself brings you. But you have no idea what's even going on or why you're reading it, yet you keep on reading it anyways.

You get to a point where you think about giving up but you're still slightly curious, so you quickly scroll till the bottom to see exactly how long is this oneshot. You realise that you're already past the half way point so there's no point in giving up now.

So you keep reading it, both wanting to quit and continue at the same time, until you make it to the end and realise that you were a little bit impressed, but not enough to stop you from also wondering if it was actually worth reading in the first place. You ponder the meaning of life for a moment, ask yourself is this what you want to be doing with your time, shrug your shoulders and go back to search for yet another cursed oneshot/novel (when you're damn sure that you shouldn't be).
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