Please Leave Me Behind


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A substitute on behalf of the girl who had died from a rare disease.

All her life, she had worked hard to gain love but as soon as her younger sister was born, she was abandoned and sent away to get married. Then on her way, she was assassinated by mysterious enemies.

“… Is this a dream?”

But when she opened her eyes, she returned back to 3 years in the past!

Since she is destined to get abandoned the moment her sister is born, she tries to live however she wants, but her life keeps turning wrong.

“Didn’t you say you were interested in me?”

And a mysterious knight in dark clothes keeps pursuing her…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Just Leave Me Be
Please Throw Me Away
나를 버려주세요
Related Series
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain (4)
The Kind Older Sister Is No More (2)
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther (2)
I Don’t Want to Be Loved (1)
My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister (1)
You’ve Got The Wrong House, Villain (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. RoFan (& Similar) That I Read
  2. I have read them and they were good
  3. KR Novels (European) 2.0
  4. misters before sisters
  5. Radish App

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2 Reviews sorted by

July 12, 2020
Status: c16
Good story and everything. Unfortunately, I'm a whiner, so I'm gonna focus on the bad things.

My main problem is that the protagonist isn't violent enough, considering what happened.

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The injustice she faced does not equate to how she's dealing with her offenders. From the start, her goal should have been to drag the family to hell, and she had the information to do so immediately. It doesn't make sense that she's so steadfast in just running away and living her life separately. I seriously thought it was a Japanese novel, what with how nice she was about it, especially considering how the story went out of its way to say that, because she was a street urchin, her niceness was 'just an act'. Just an act, my eye! If it were me, the whole household, maids and all, would've been killed in their sleep.

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Mariannelee rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c17
Not many reviews here yet as the story is relatively new but I'd like to add my thoughts.

So, I've read the manhwa which incited my curiosity to check the novel out as well. The manhwa serves gorgeous art and a visual experience but personally, I love the novel as it beautifully captures the details and depth of the characters. The novel really depicts the injustice faced by the female lead and how averse she is to her family. I absolutely love how her inner thoughts allow the readers to understand... more>> the reality of the situation.


It might be a bit frustrating when the female lead doesn't go all out in her revenge for the family. But, I'd like to believe that she is taking it step by step. She fears the duke, she fears for her life and she suffers from PTSD in her second life. It's definitely not easy for her but she is getting there. We are only seventeen chapters in but I'm looking forward to see how she is going to live her seperate life and the incidents that will fuel her to finally pay back to the rotten family, especially, the manipulative duke, who failed to keep his promise. The story has unleashed her rebellious crude personality a few times due to her slum origins and perhaps, she might as well fully transition to that later on. The secrets surrounding her are also quite intriguing and add an interesting twist to the plot.



The male lead hasn't appeared very often as of now in the story but he's been making a lot of appearances in the latest chapter and I already love him. Certainly, he's going to be a strong support factor for the female lead but till now the female lead has been dealing with things herself.

Another character that caught my interest was her second step-brother. For some reason, I believe that there's much more to him and he's probably an important character but he hasn't appeared much in the novel either. A few more chapters later, I'll come back to write my review again.

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