Permanent Martial Arts


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It was a dangerous era. Extraterritorial ferocious beasts occupied 90% of the living space in the world, while humans could only survive in a small space. Fortunately, some of the surviving humans awakened to genetic martial arts! Breaking the shackles of one’s genetics was the foundation of cultivating martial arts. Lin Feng, who was born with cong**ital disease, could not experience a breakthrough. However, by some fateful encounter, he awakened to the ability to merge genes.

[Wild Bull gene successfully merged. Strength of genes has been improved!] [Mutant Earth Dragon gene merged. Earth Dragon Scales have been unlocked!] [Planet Behemoth gene merged. Ability to survive in outer space unlocked!] Lin Feng broke through the shackles of his genes and cultivated martial arts, becoming the most powerful person in the universe!

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11/23/22 Webnovel c1
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NineStarVenerate rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
EXTREMELY UNDERRATED! I had practically no expectations for this novel, the only reason why I even gave it a chance was because of the bad ratings, more often than not I realized that these novels with bad ratings are actually really entertaining, people are too hyper focused on 'good' writing on NU and completely ignore everything else or they could be just review bombing (lots of people on this site are obsessive about their series maintaining their ranking or growing the ranking so they go and review bomb new entries... more>> or unpopular entries who lack a strong fanbase). This novel is extremely entertaining and it's also very unique, it is a cultivation series but it's widely different from one. In this series with each realm increase the characters get bigger in size, they truly become insurmountable behemoths, the scaling in this novel is insane as well, if you are a fan of scaling this is definitly a series for you, the characters have planetary feats, galactic feats, universal feats, etc. And the system as a whole is literally the lucid dream of any scaler. The size is reliant on how strong your foundation is, the better the foundation the bigger you get when you get to the next realm, your size is your combat power and it's what majority of people in this verse rely upon BUT if you actually want to be a powerhouse at any realm you need a very deep comprehension of laws, laws allow you to not only surmount realms but they also multiply your combat power by an extreme amount, laws are the biggest challenge cultivators in this verse face but if someone comprehended a law they are a powerhouse and aside from size and laws what people rely on is origin weapons (which they either created or have them from some opportunity) This novel is fast paced it's hard to get bored, I finished this novel in 5 days I couldn't stop binging. It was truly a hidden gem, I didn't expect to find something so good. <<less
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void 213
void 213 rated it
February 4, 2023
Status: c36
The story is meh nothing great about same as normal tr*shy genetic martial art stories. What I hate most here is the usual Hero MC that need to keep his promises and save people without benefits like why?
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Luzian rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: c300
Smh I don't even know where to begin with this. The novel starkly reminded me of Swallowed Star by IET but of course the quality of writing, plot, etc are in no way comparable. Although as a feel-good novel, it is still a decent novel to pass the time... with one caveat, the early parts (100 chapters) of the novel is absolutely atrocious. I've never seen such a blatant plot holes and plot armors. I mean I know Lin Feng is the protagonist but it's like the author made the... more>> decision to bend the logic of his novel (in a bad and unreasonable way) for the protagonist.

Edit: I ran out of novels to read so I came back. Later chapters did not get better, in fact, it became so much worse and I do not want to find out about it.

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