Part-time Soccer


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Chenlong loved soccer since he was small. His ball techniques were originally very skilled and he even entered the Inter youth team. His talent was no worse that Balotelli, and that year, he even got pointers from Ronaldo when he was playing soccer in the Inter…

But under coincidences, he ate a strange candy. At the end, he gained a strange damaging ability, Star Tear.

The strange Star Tear could directly duplicate the famous stunts of sport stars! But at the same time, Chenlong’s could only use his physical strength for 5 minutes. At the end, he was kicked out by the Inter and he roamed around league tournaments in his spare time…

The him that could have originally became a soccer superstar could only start from playing soccer part-time…

Associated Names
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Zu Qiu Lin Shi Gong
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05/10/15 Flower Bridge Too c1
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