Pain, Pain, Go Away


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Pain, Pain, Go Away is a novel by Sugaru Miaki, also known as Fafoo, author of Starting Over and Three Days of Happiness. Unlike Miaki’s previous two books, Pain, Pain, Go Away is not a rewrite of any story posted to 2ch, but an entirely original one.

The plot involves a young man who becomes a killer (by accident) – but his victim has the power of “postponement,” temporarily delaying her death.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Itai no Itai no, Tonde Yuke
Related Series
Starting Over (Same Franchise)
Three Days of Happiness (Same Franchise)
The Place You Called From (Same Franchise)
Parasite in Love (Same Franchise)
Boku no Bungeibu ni B*tch ga Irunante Arienai (1)
Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun (1)
Ordinary I and Extraordinary Them (1)
I Chose to Fake My Death (1)
When TS High School Boys Are Too Adaptable (1)
Gender Bent Loli Is Not Cute! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Oh, Romance!
  2. novels that made me feel empty after finishing
  3. Obsessed with tragedy
  4. Peak Tragedy, Suffering and Regret
  5. My top 10 and honorable mentions

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/06/14 vgperson c8-10 + afterword
12/02/14 vgperson c6-7
11/27/14 vgperson c4-5
11/25/14 vgperson c1-3
9 Reviews

Dec 18, 2016
Status: Completed
Before I give my review I'd like to say this story is for mature (mentally, not necessarily adult) audiences who can read through the whole thing (which took around an hour) before jumping to any conclusions as there are a lot of developments for this short story. I personally don't see any horror element but there will be a bit of despair and cruel descriptions so be prepared.

Onto the review:

Just read it, its short and not like you have anything better to do if you're looking at this, plus I... more>> don't want to place any of my own interpretations here as there are many way to interpret the story. But if you want to know what's the author intention of writing this is, here's something I took from the afterwords.


There are a lot of holes to fall into around here. That was the way I, at least, came to see the world.

Small holes, big holes, shallow holes, deep holes, easily-seen holes, hard-to-see holes, holes no one had yet fallen in, holes many had fallen in. Truly, a wide variety. Thinking about each and every one of them made me too uneasy to take a single step.
When I was young, I liked stories that let me forget about the holes. And not just I, but everyone seemed to like writing stories that described a safe world, where all the holes had covers put over them. We might call them “sterilized stories.”

Of course, the protagonists don’t have only good things happening to them, and in fact experience an above-average amount of suffering and hardship. But ultimately, it all helps them to mature, and give them a reassuring feeling that “people can accept anything and live.” That’s the way of those stories. I think that we don’t wish to induce sadness in our fiction as well.

But one day, I suddenly realized I was in a dark hole. I fell in most irrationally, without any prior warning. It was an extremely small and hard-to-see hole, so I couldn’t hope for others’ help. Yet luckily, the hole was not deep enough that I couldn’t crawl out, so over a long period of time, I made it out by my own power.
Once back on the surface, basking in the warm sun and clean wind again, I thought. No matter how careful people are, they never know when they’ll run into a pitfall. That’s the way of our world. And perhaps the next hole I fall into could be a deeper one. Deep enough that I’d never make it back here again. What, in that case, am I to do?
Following that, I stopped earnestly reading those “stories that plug up the holes” I described previously. Instead, I came to prefer stories that portrayed “people getting along happily in holes.” Because I thought, I want to hear the story of the person who, in a dark, deep, narrow, cold hole, can smile without it being a bluff. To me, there might not be anything more consoling than that.
“Pain, Pain, Go Away” was the story of people who fell into a hole they could never again escape. Yet I wrote it intending it not to be purely a gloomy story, but a cheerful one too. It really may not appear that way, but it is. It is.
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Oct 14, 2018
Status: Completed
I generally like stories with elements of hopelessness, memories, and vague storytelling, so if you like those too, then I recommend this story.

It's a nice, warm story. Reading this made me feel nostalgic somehow. I'm not that good with violence and stuff, so there were parts that I felt averse to, but it isn't too bad.

I really like the MC. I could relate to how he felt most of the time. On the other hand, the things the feMC experienced were almost unbelievable to me, but honestly, reality is more... more>> morbid.

I also liked how vague the feMC's power was. I felt like overexplaining it would have taken away from the intended message.

Speaking of intended message, I think this story isn't particularly meant to be "deep", "original" or "thought-provoking". It's just another story of two people wanting to understand and be understood, and finding comfort in each other. A tale as old as time. In that sense, I think it succeeded as a story.

Most of all, I especially liked the last part. Specifically, the ending line. It was short, poignant yet sweet. Though I think there would be few that would appreciate the ending in the same way I did, but what can I say? I'm a sucker for endings like those. Maybe you'd know what I mean when you finish it. <<less
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Jul 05, 2020
Status: Completed
‘Pain Pain, go away’ is like its main character. Just like smoking a cigarette, and reading the book, the life he lived was fun and rushed, painful to him, he coughed and wheezed, but the bright flames kept it up until the end. Burning youth till there was no more—until he sparked another, that is.

The book felt trippy, dark, and unrealistic at times, and I think the author described it best when he compared it to ‘Living within a deep and dark hole with a smile on your face’.’ Any other description, I’m afraid, will not do it justice.

The writing is amazing. The introspections are—although I hardly agree with most of it—also top notch. It’s a very much character driven story, and the characters are great enough to accompany it. It’s a story with a lot of passion and thought put into the theme and the ending was masterfully done.

4.5/5 — Half a star removed by the unrealistic school life of the main female lead. Though, it’s not impossible to occur in real life, reading it makes you more detached from her troubles than invested. It feels like he created something so awful that you mind can only wander if it’s possible.
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Feb 26, 2017
Status: Completed
Wow, I mean this novel is very well made. A very heart-warming story of two people, despite their sadness, they found happiness. Horror is well incorporated too. For those who have the emotional openess to read this masterpiece (and psychological stability!), it will never disappoint. It is one of the few novels that will stay with you for a very long time. vgperson thank you for translation and kudos to Sugaru Miaki!!!
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Jul 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm not sure if I should rate this 4 or 5 stars, but I'm gonna edge it up because of the uniqueness of the story. It's also well written.

This novel is a roller coaster of emotions. We deal with depression, death, su*cide, violence, mu*ders, love... There is quite a bit to unpack.

That said the story is not full of despair, there's some lightheartedness mixed in the middle of all of it, partly thanks to the supernatural element.
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Jan 15, 2021
Status: Completed
God dammit. I didnt know it was a tragedy. Must have missed the tag. It was a wonderful story but it has a Sad ending. Making me both glad that I did read it and wish that I never read it.
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Jan 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Continue to work my way through Sugaru Miaki's works. This one is interesting in is premise and I guess the "plot twist" at the end. This one by far is probably the most dark and mature one in terms of subject matter with very overt scenes of rather brutal violence. While I guess they serve the purpose of the story telling I can't help but feel they seem rather unnecessary in their details. I feel like the female MC's life was horrible to the point of fantastical which I guess... more>> serves as the motivation to the acts that followed/preceeded the stories (it's sorta a time traveling tale in a sense). But being so fantastical I think actually took some immersion out of me as a reader. The ultimate revelation in the last couple of chapters is rather abrupt, even if they did tie up the loose ends it felt rushed perhaps.

Interesting read, feels more different from his other works in some sense but not sure if it's for the better. 3.5/5 <<less
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Aug 01, 2017
Status: afterword
The review contains spoilers. Please read it after reading the story.

It was a nice read but at the 9th and the 10th chapter it kinda fell.

Melodramatic. That's the word for Kiriko. The whole person is really unrealistic. 17+ persons who bully her, why hasn't she called the police, or something? Not to say, Japan has a low crime rate and flipping 17 people are right in that specific city where Kiriko is living.

And her mother is a pu*sy for not having a divorce. If I remember right, the reason was... more>> something like "then I'll be too busy" and "then my parents". If she had a divorce then she wouldn't have been killed in the original timeline.

About Kiriko's powers, I didn't like them. They explained that her powers are so weird that even Kiriko doesn't know all the rules about it. Like at the start the MC remembers the timeline where he killed the girl yet he can't remember the original timeline.

Isn't this just a way for the author to meddle with the story as it goes? Isn't this just convenient for the author to change the direction of the story? Wouldn't it be convenient to have a bar of gold appear right in front you because you wanted it?

The MC and girl's relationship was really nice but I can't quite explain it, I don't even know if I understand the reason I don't like it anymore, but I didn't like it as much after the 8th chapter.

But I did get 7 long chapters of something nice so it would be 2, 5/5.

And some insights that I think were somewhat easy to miss for some readers.


"What I'm talking about is a more emotional, romantic love. That "thing" often seen in movies and books, but which I've never seen in reality, an entirely different thing from familial or s*xual love." (Mizuho)

"I'm still dubious about the actual existence of that "thing, " myself. But if the "love" you speak of doesn't exist, then someone must have come up with it, which is a stunning thought. For many ages, love has been the cause of many beautiful paintings, songs, and stories. If it's only made-up, "love" may be humanity's greatest invention, or perhaps the world's kindest lie." (Kiriko)

- Chapter 1

"Oh, come to think of it, " Kiriko said just as we were about to kiss. "It seems "that thing" didn't exist after all."

"Way to remember letters from such a long time ago."

"So you're saying you remember it too, Mizuho?"

"Yeah, " I nodded. "And I guess "it" isn't just a kind lie."

"So it seems, " Kiriko smiled. "I'm glad to know that in the end."

- Chapter 10



Mizuho closed the curtains, turned off the light, and went to leave, but I stopped him.

"Um, can you stay here until I fall asleep?"

He replied somewhat nervously. "I don't mind at all, personally, but... What do you intend to do if I get any funny ideas?"

"If that happens, I'll pretend to be opposed, " I answered.

"That's not good enough, " he laughed with embarrassment. "If I try to do anything to you, you can give me a good punch between the eyes. That'll bring a coward like me back to my senses right away."

"Understood. I'll remember that." I committed it to memory: I'll be sure to never punch him between the eyes.

- Chapter 9

Without her weapon, the girl was now almost powerless.

I thought about what would happen if I stabbed her right here. If I stabbed her right in the chest, showing nicely through the unbuttoned parts of the gown she was wearing. Or if I stabbed her throat, that made a comfortable voice like a glass harp. Or if I stabbed her soft belly with hardly any fat and shook it around inside.

It seemed the girl's scissors had given me the same urge to kill.

I put my index finger in one of the holes and spun the scissors around.

She hurriedly reached out and said "Please give them back, " but I didn't stop spinning. I enjoyed my sadistic fantasies. If she says the same thing two more times, I'll hand them back, I decided - by which time the girl's eyes had already changed color. Clouded, I should say. It was a familiar expression. The one she wore while confronting her revenge targets.

I felt a hard impact. My vision flashed, and I fell back onto the bed. I felt pain like my forehead had split.

From the smell of ash on my head, I realized she'd hit me with the ashtray.

- Chapter 5

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May 22, 2017
Status: Completed
It isn't as terrible as The Place You called From (another one of Sugaru Miaki's work), but not even close to Starting Over (a decent story by the same author).

The MC is... I don't understand him. One moment he acts strong, the next he goes weak. Rather, he only acts competent when the plot needs him to be. Then you have the feMC, who is just as confusing as the MC.

Plus, the romance is forced, and obviously at that. No natural progression, just wham! I love you. And his reasons... more>> for his love is just, woah...

Then we have the backstory, which is better than the current story many times over. This just highlights how terrible the current story is.

And then, the ending. Another open-ended conclusion, just like 3 days of happiness (Miaki's best story). But unlike 3 days, this came of as lazy.

The only thing that made this from going to tier-1 is the backstory. <<less
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