Overtime Villain


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The strongest hero of the Hero Association, also known as “Red-Hell-Fire”, “Rehel” for short, has received a bright and beautiful appearance thanks to the genes of his actress mother. That’s why he works as a hero and a model at the same time. However, his personality and demeanor is cold and cruel, which is why he is suspected of being a psychopath rather than a hero.

And the so-called “Dark Chaos”, whose children became villains, against his will. In contrast to his appearance, he has a very gentle personality. He is an ordinary person, but the events taking place around him are not at all ordinary, especially since he has an affair with the main enemy of his children.

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Villain Working Overtime
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  2. Villain/Villainess
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04/30/24 Reader Stream c2
06/20/22 Reader Stream c1
1 Review

Aug 19, 2022
Status: c1
So far it seems promising. The MC is Shin Jae-young, also known as "Dark Chaos", the king of villains. This is because he has 7 very strong villains as children (probably not biological children). So it seems like the ML is the hero "Red Hellfire".


Since the MC is just an ordinary person, he is obviously terrified of his villain children lmao. And he does not want the world to be taken over by his children, who want to dedicate it to him.

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