Outsiders are Scary


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Original Synopsis:

One day, I was targeted by the world’s strongest person.

Summary: ““Outsiders are scary” delves into the life of a protagonist who struggles with social anxiety and feelings of isolation. The novel explores the challenges of navigating social interactions and finding a sense of belonging when one feels like an outsider.”

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Related Series
I Was Kidnapped By The Strongest Guild (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Yuri,tradegy,gender bender
  2. Hunter/Awakener/Gate/Tower - Not Read Pt.2
  3. Yuri and Baekhap

Latest Release

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3 Reviews sorted by

New Snooty rated it
January 31, 2025
Status: c64
I read this story on a whim because I ran out of novels to read, but I am very pleasantly surprised by how good this is. The plot/premise has been done dozens of times, normal guy turns into small cute cat girl that everyone dotes over. However, the execution of this story is imo possibly one of the best in the genre. A lot of misunderstandings and happenings in the novel have a plausible explanation because you're seeing it with the MC's train of thought. There's rarely any forced misunderstandings... more>> just for a quick laugh, just the MC being really dumb and adorable cat. <<less
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Oooooooo1224 rated it
November 7, 2024
Status: c29
Very cute and funny this is the type of novel that you have to turn you're brain off to read, you're not meant to focus on details or actions too much, it's a good quick read.
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Insanist rated it
December 30, 2024
Status: c52
Cute and fluffy novel where MC’s shenanigans are the main focus.

Some may have complaints on how MC is way too dumb after the transformation. It is intentional.


MC eventually did an IQ test and it reveal that her IQ went down way below the basement after the transformation lol

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