Only I Understand His Gentle Heart


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Ming Zhu, a young woman who, at 18, embroidered a dowry for herself in hopes of marriage. At 25, her craftsmanship from those early years left the embroidery unsellable on her online shop. Yet, months later, a buyer appears. To her surprise, this man, dressed in military uniform, arrives at her door with her embroidery in hand. Without a word, he secures it above her bed, only to ask coldly, “Selling this dowry—do you think I’m dead?”

The story follows a hard-tempered military captain and a qipao-loving screenwriter with a soft resolve capable of melting his stern heart. This romance promises a mix of affection, resilience, and the warmth of familial tradition. Ming Zhu’s emotional journey also brings forward her expertise in crafting tough yet gentle characters within the military genre—a tribute to her unique, gentle strength within a traditionally masculine world.

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