On the Romantic Abduction Marriage


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I was abducted. By the man who killed my husband.

On the night my abusive husband died at the hands of an executioner sent by the emperor,

That very executioner, Duke Drake, kidnapped me.

“Marry me, Queen of Terebron. No, Vanessa Roengreen.”

What he demanded, after confining me in his castle, was none other than marriage to him.

To think he wanted to marry me, the queen of a fallen country, he didn’t seem to be in his right mind.

Still, I had to survive, so I pretended to agree, and tried to escape when he let his guard down…

“Trying to betray me again? Not a chance. You’ll never escape from me. Never again.”

He bound me as if he would chase me to the ends of the earth. Staring at me with desperately hungry eyes, speaking as if he had known me from before.

“Duke, have we met before?”

“Think carefully. Even if you remember, nothing will change.”

Who is this man who occasionally looks at me with eyes full of love and hate?

My abductor, who tries to save and destroy me.

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