Off Air ~Yes, No, or Maybe Half?~


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This is a side story collection for the popular “Yes, No, or Maybe Half?” series! It features short stories collected from doujinshi, special booklets, bonus papers, and commemorative website extras—including the doujinshi story “No Need For Anything Else” where Kei takes Ushio to meet his parents, “My Sun” where Kei reports on Koshien in the summer, and a must-read new story “Daydream Believer.” Don’t miss it!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
OFF AIR ~Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka~
OFF AIR~イエスかノーか半分か~
Related Series
Yes, No, or Maybe Half? (Main Story)
Side Profiles and Irises ~Yes, No, or Maybe Half? Spinoff~ (Main Story)
Blooming Romance (1)
Utsukushii Koto (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Entertainment
  2. Japo1
  3. Novels 6
  4. Best entertainment industry danmei (4-5*)
  5. Plan to read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/06/20 daydrop v2 extra 14
10/01/20 daydrop v2 extra 13
09/27/20 daydrop v2 extra 12
09/23/20 daydrop v2 extra 11
09/19/20 daydrop v2 extra 10
09/15/20 daydrop v2 extra 9
09/11/20 daydrop v2 extra 8
09/07/20 daydrop v2 extra 7
09/03/20 daydrop v2 extra 6
08/30/20 daydrop v2 extra 5
08/26/20 daydrop v2 extra 4
08/22/20 daydrop v2 extra 3
08/18/20 daydrop v2 extra 2
08/14/20 daydrop v2 extra 1
08/10/20 daydrop v2c7
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3 Reviews sorted by

nachte rated it
June 19, 2019
Status: Completed
Disclaimer: I'm the translator for the series, and I thought I'd give a bit more insight into what to expect from this side story collection.

This side story collection is a must-read if you like the main Yes, No, or Maybe Half series. The main series follows Kei's internal struggles with his work and his love life, and so the books are laser-focused on those particular plot elements. The side stories, however, offer glimpses into the slower, more mundane elements of Kei's and Ushio's everyday life—little details like how none of... more>> Ushio's dishes match or that Ushio made his bed frame himself out of scrap wood. Reading through the main story up to a certain point can leave you feeling like you don't really know much about Ushio, and it's true to a certain extent, but the side stories fill in a lot of that gap, which helped me deeper appreciate their relationship.

Some stories occur at specific points along the main series, and so you should double check the TL notes at the beginning of each story to see where you should be at.

You can expect a lot of fluff to counterbalance the angst in the main series, some additional smutty scenes, a few stories told from different points of view, some AU ficlets, and a few direct epilogues to mellow out the intensity of the resolutions from the main series. You will want to read the entire collection.

P.S. I also recommend re-reading the side stories after Volume 3 of the main series is completed for the extra feels that make some of the stories hit even harder. <<less
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BanniNotBunny rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: V2E6

I felt extremely great when I knew that there is a collection of extras/ side stories available for the novel "Yes, No, or Maybe Half?"

I love this couple so much that I can't bring myself to read these extras all at once. I wanna read them little by little so that I can enjoy them as well as keep some in stock for future.

... more>> Tsuzuki is the best boyfriend ever. And here, you will see that Kei loves Tsuzki as much as he loves him. What a tsundere.

I don't know how to express my love for this novel.

It's in my favorites list. The couple is also one of my favorite.

Just read the main story then read these. I'm pretty sure you will be enjoy the sweetness between them (+some steamy scenes)

Totally recommended. <<less
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veihakase rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: v2c5 part2
This novel is a collection and series of extras of the novel Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka. There are bits and pieces that connect to the main part of the series as well as the other spin-off Side Profiles and Irises. This is just pure fluff and fun read. You get to read about Ushio and Kei again ^^
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