Not Sober


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From the first impression, he was a senior who looked hot. He drove a different foreign car every day and had bleached hair.

With his handsome appearance and tall stature, he was the center of many rumors.

From light ones like a one-night stand, a clubbing idiot, a womanizing punk, to serious ones like a marijuana smoker and orgy.

“Sleep with me.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re the most handsome man I know.”

However, the rumors had nothing to do with Yena.

“I want to sleep with a handsome man.”

It was just a deviation to get rid of the image of a “careful eldest daughter” that was constantly being forced upon her.

“Min Yena, why are you ignoring my calls? And who’s that punk next to you?”

“You told me not to act clingy just because we slept together once.”

“No, I told you not to act clingy. Who said I would follow?”

Did that senior, who hated being clingy, know?

“Yena. You really don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you think I do this to just anyone?”

That he’s being really clingy.

“Did you really get me wrong? Do you think other guys are as good as me?”

Oh, right. So who are you asking?

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