No One Believed Me. If You Say You Believe Me Now, It’s Too Late


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Nyanta and Pomeko – Even if you say you believe me now, it’s too late.

No one believed in me.

It’s too late to say I believe you now.

My childhood friend, my step-sister and the girl with glasses are all trying to get involved with me now.

I don’t care anymore. Just leave me alone.

This is a love story of a man who doesn’t believe in anyone.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Nyanta and Pomeko
Nyanta to Pomeko: Imasara Shinjite Iru To Iwaretemo Mou Teokure Da
にゃん太とポメ子 ~いまさら信じていると言われてももう手遅れだ~
Related Series
The Girls Who Traumatized Me Are Glancing at Me, but I’m Afraid It’s Too Late. (2)
The Only Thing That Reached Out to Me, Who Was Broken, Was Your Hand (2)
The Reincarnated Villain Makes The Heroines Tearfully Beg for Forgiveness (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance I have read
  2. favorites
  3. Betrayed MC/No One Believes Them
  4. Betrayed by people and got trauma from it
  5. I'd like a tasting

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/02/22 Soafp c73
11/23/22 Soafp c72
11/16/22 Soafp c71
11/10/22 Soafp c70
11/03/22 Soafp c69
10/29/22 Soafp c68
06/07/22 Soafp c67
06/01/22 Soafp c66
05/25/22 Soafp c65
05/17/22 Soafp c64
04/05/22 Soafp c63
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03/08/22 Soafp c61
03/04/22 Soafp c60
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28 Reviews sorted by

blahblah123 rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: c50
This is tr*sh but I like it. My big complaint

is that he ends up blaming himself for being ab*sed later on and gradually forgives the people who treated him like shit. This happens in every single JP WN with this type of setting and it never stops being frustrating to read. At the very least he shouldn't have forgiven his pos stepmother.

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Firious rated it
August 31, 2021
Status: c10
Based on the title and synopsis, I thought the MC was a man who completely gave up on other people and would be a calm, cool (?), and perhaps gloomy man who would never start a conversation voluntarily and would seek ways to end any and all social interactions sooner than later without being cringe about it.

But I thought incorrectly. This is just a story of a beta boy who is in the depression phase of his life. The MC has not given up on people. He still hopes... more>> for love from others despite his denials. He keeps emphasizing that "his heart is empty" and "he feels nothing" yet everytime he talks to the people who hurt him, he always replies with heartfelt (and cringe) sentences. Then he runs away from the situation, meets the FL, and start a duo skit of denying reality.

All of the people who hurt him were:

  1. Females
  2. His crush/potential crush/family member
  3. Completely delusional
  4. Perhaps clones of each other?
All of them tries to fix their relationship with MC by avoiding the past and forcing themselves onto the MC. Then when that fails they'll cry, maybe get a friend to comfort them, then try again another day without a single bit of improvement from the previous attempt.

The FL was introduced as a person with similar circumstances as the MC, except it's more yankee style and with a better family. But the personality she shows makes me feel like she's not similar to MC at all, as she's more similar to any random tsundere girl you could find in other japanese romance novels.

The interaction between MC and FL always includes:

  1. "We aren't friends" x2
  2. "I can't believe people" x2
  3. FL getting shy
The author is trying to make a story about how a broken MC gets healed by a girl with similar circumstances as himself but:

  1. MC isn't broken, just in a depression phase
  2. FL has similar circumstances yet isn't in a depression phase, just in a denial phase, due to "better family"
tl;dr The concept was decent but it was limited by the author's capability and only used to make the MC and FL a bit more special than the others. <<less
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Shiraori_ rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: c14
A very "woe is me" type story. The exact type of thing I'd write if I was an angsty middle schooler, or be the biggest fan of if I read it. It repeats itself a lot, constantly explaining to me why Makoto is as shut-off from others as he is. I don't need to be reminded 5 times every chapter. We already know. By the 50th time you hear it it starts to feel like self-fellatio. Please feel bad about MC. Yes, I already did from the premise. However, you're... more>> f*cking losing me here by hammering the nail in so hard it's gone through the wood 20 swings earlier but you're still going for some reason. Yes, I know most of the girls feel so sorry and hurt and want to make things up because they love the MC so much. I don't need to read an entire chapter of it. I don't even need to read about it. You can show this type of thing through just dialogue with the MC and maybe some minor remarks on their expression, but the author is intent on making absolutely sure the reader knows just how sorry they are and how broken the MC is.

The characters' feel deliberately crafted to say the exact things that MC can respond to in the most satisfying ways, to its detriment because it starts to feel like the author's self-indulgence rather than enjoyable writing. One of the girls who f*cked him over is an actual crazy bit*h and he gets to have a literal scene in Chapter 14 where MC gets into an "everybody clapped" situation where he goes off on her publicly and everybody cheered. By the way this guy is apparently unpopular and had dozens of rumors of him being a mol*ster and assaulter, but suddenly everyone likes him and people were even randomly getting up on the podium in classrooms to give their speeches on how good of a person he is completely unprompted? Get a load of this.


“What do you think about him (MC) ? There are bad rumors about him being a confession killer, too.”

“I heard the rumors about Shinozuka-san (FL) are false.”

“Yeah, a guy from another class suddenly got up on the podium and started talking about how the rumors about Shinotsuka-san and Shinjo (MC) were false.”

“Me too... ”

“Oh, mine too.”

I put my body forward as if to protect Shinozuka.

I don’t care about the rumors about me.

“I don’t care about myself. Shinozuka is my important friend. You don’t even know her, so don’t go on talking like that!"


This premise of the story could have been good because it's based on some very real emotions/coping mechanisms (I would know) but the author fumbles it with shoddy fanfiction-tier writing and execution. It's way too on-the-nose and not subtle enough to not read like an angsty teenager's cringy fantasy. <<less
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Seele_VollereiHI3 rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: c21
Hello guys! I'm Seele the new translator of the series, same group as the original translater sir Soafp! The story starts out depressing! But guys please do understand that it is a story! I don't know how well you'll do with fluffy slice of life romance but I hope you'd like it!
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Rechargeable rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: c16
As firious said above, the protag has Not given up on people so the title is bait. The translation is also so messy that sometimes I cant tell whats goin on. Like a lot of the other novels like these, its good at the start and slowly get more shittier by the chapter
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Indra040293 rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: c50
it's good. I like how the MC and the heroine heal each other... but..... it's just, how MC settle the problem of his mother, sister, and childhood friend is a bit lacking of drama

MC is kinda like, "ahhh it's okay now" and say hello with smile....
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Elias07 rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: c62
Its a great novel u gys don't need to read some s*upid comments like why did he start forgiving others. Literally one of the worst reason to hate this LN. From my point of view author did a great job. MC didn't live in past he start moving forward with fMC. Its really heartwarming light novel. Anyway I really recommend this novel to u gys. Just go for it.
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someonehome rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: --
Dont be fooled by the title this novel is pure romance he recover from his trauma way too quickly, its good in real life but bad for the story about "A guy who's been bullied and victim of cancelling since a kid" If you looking for that kind of story which kinda relate to reader life (including me) then this is not for you
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johnmc rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: c34
I do think this is a heartwarming story with one depressed MC being slowly healed by the FMC. However, there are several factors that make me think it is not that good as a novel and only deserves 3 or 3.5 out of 5.

The premise is interesting for a revenge theme novel (although there is not so much of "revenging" here) but the complex connections between the MC and the surrounding characters who do him wrong in the past are quickly placed aside, to allow the MC and FMC to... more>> develop their relationship. It seems the author, after the first few chapters demonstrating how broken the MC is, decides to switch the genre to slice-of-life romance where the MC and FMC have more chance to interact and flirt, and completely ignore the vital side characters that set up the MC's personality. The girls (and family members) who fail him, I want to see how they struggle to cope with their guilt and attempt to make up for the past mistakes. But nearly all of them are like "oh well, I made a mistake, guess I should leave him alone".

The other weakness of this novel is the writing style. I can see the translator group tries really hard to provide the content (bless them for their work!) but I believe the author has issues conveying the dialogues, the setting, and "scene" to readers, resulting in hard-to-understand English translation. There are many times I got lost between the MC's inner thought and the conversation and have to re-read that part to make sure I did not miss anything. The thoughts, dialogues, and actions don't align on many occasions.

The first 10 or so chapters feel like "The Girls Traumatized Me..." while the remaining chapters are like "The Angel Next Door...". <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 9, 2023
Status: --
if u are looking for an actual gloomy MC who was betrayed by all the girls he become friends with and even gt accused off and broken, also expects him to be untrustful and things like that then it fills that but at the same time they way the resolution happens is so tr*sh, this author story telling is just mega cringe to go through. MC forgives his stepmother and sister way too fast for my own liking, the amount of accusation and sh*t he has to go through for... more>> so long just to get that lame resolution, f*ck off author. Author could have just wrote a romcom b/w a cold MC and tsundere fML and it would have been better then whatever garbage trauma MC we got in this novel to deal with. <<less
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Snowman256 rated it
March 24, 2022
Status: c62
I like this novel, it's far more realistic than many of the other novels I've read in this genre. The novel emphasizes many times that the MC's previous spats with others happened largely because they were kids, and kids are dumb and cruel. That said, for the bullied party, past bullying can really narrow someone's outlook on life until you realize that you also need to change, not just the environment. The novel conveys that message quite nicely, and the novel portrays how the MC begins to break down his... more>> own mental walls and connect with his classmates. I'm also not sure why other reviewers hate the other characters so much - all the other characters realize from the MC's behavior that the wound they inflicted on him was far deeper than they expected, and unlike most bullies they actively change themselves and try to become better people. It was only until the MC was able to break down his heart's walls that he was able to recognize this fact, though. For those reviewers who wanted drama and crying and accusations when the MC reconciled with his family, also realize that many real world family disputes get resolved the same way as in the novel. The MC doesn't forgive the past, but he's trying to move on and start a new relationship, and the author does a great job of showing his both sides are tentatively probing this new interaction.

Also, the romance is Anri is super cute :). And the translation quality is overall quite good. <<less
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SamJones rated it
December 7, 2021
Status: c14

The Chapters after the sister got the headpat were ruining it for me, These people have ruined your life and you dont even feel a smidge of hatred. He didnt even hate his mother who wasnt there for him when he was accused as a f*cking mol*ster and believed the rumors. Author should have focused more on the guilt, thoughts and feelings of the people who hurt her rather than meeting up and going "Oops I did a bad thing to the person I actually love, lets just move on".... more>> F*ck those people. Atleast the Dad has the balls to be there for him in his own terrible way. F*ck that stepmother tho srsly >: (

Note: I Will edit this review when I get further on in the chapters <<less
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Purps rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: c22
giving it 4 Stars solely for the early chapters

how should I say this... well if you read any of the other reviews you can probably guess

it kind of sucks that he somewhat forgives/forgets about the other people kinda want these people to get whats coming to them but whatever
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maas4 rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: --
it start good with dark heavy nerve wreck story

but suddenly the author make a sudden turn into pink sugar story in one chapter
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orpheus_rm rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: c50
All caught up to the raws. Gotta say this turned out way more warm-hearted in the later chapters than the early chaps would lead you to believe. A solid love story with a disgustingly cute couple. You get your heart healed! You get your heart healed! Everyone gets their heart healed~~~!!!
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jeremymd rated it
October 8, 2022
Status: c67
I can understand why some people complain about the story. It's hard to appreciate something you're either not that interested in or you can't possibly relate. It's the same reason you won't see a lot of men reading about stories of women being pregnant or r*ped, or why most non-gamers will not relate to otaku stories. Few stories can be tailored for everyone.

This story obviously isn't for everyone. Not everyone has been bullied and ostracized by everyone, including their own families. But that is the initial premise of the story.... more>> If you don't want to buy into it or criticize it for whatever reason, then you shouldn't be reading the rest of the story anyway.

As for the complaints of how MC's struggles with everybody seems to not have been resolved in some explosive, dramatic fashion, they have sorely missed the point. You'd have to be incredibly insensitive to expect that Makoto all of a sudden just completely gets over everything. Healing is slow. It's not supposed to be magic.

Overall, after finishing the main arc, I had the same feeling I have after a great meal; I felt good and it made me incredibly satisfied and sleepy. I'm so happy little sister was the first to be forgiven. Haruka is legitimately the first character I have fallen in love with. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 2, 2022
Status: --
Id really like a story like this where the harm done to the MC actually gets resolved with the girl (/s) who wronged him and the relationship with them actually gets reformed instead of just "you suck so I found someone new" - I also really wish that harem stories with extensive backstories for each girl would actually have a harem ending, I mean why write an ecchi harem story if youre just gonna cave in the end and say "sorry for wasting your time with the 70% of the... more>> story that was about other girls" like pick one eh?

Idk I just want a satisfying level of guilt and reconciliation - true catharsis - not a "lets put it all behind us" with girls whove loved the MC for years just deciding to move on and give up on their catharsis with their love because hes got someone new, humans rarely work like that, especially unstable ones.

Also the things done to the MC were honestly not that bad, the fact that half of them were minor incidents and the rest were misunderstandings is somewhat lackluster. Theres no reason not to make a sob story background more dramatic in a story like this. Still though, a fun read if you have free time. <<less
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Kyond rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: c34
Bretty good. I really like it.

But I don't want the MC to reconcile with his past and family. But it seems that's where it going to go from this chapter onward. I wish they would explore more about the couple for another 20 ch.

But still, bretty good.
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Kosami rated it
May 2, 2023
Status: c73
EDIT: I found the artist's Twitter and said that they were exhausted from the series and were going to put it on hiatus for a bit, so thankfully it's not cancelled

Honestly better than I thought

I had low expectations coming into this, but the character development made me stick

... more>>

I love that Shinjo learned to forget and forgive those who hurt him and actually acknowledge them. Same with Shizunoka. I also love that they kept building not only their relationship but the relationship with those around them.


4/5 So far, unfortunately, there hasn't been an update on the raws in a while, it makes me wonder if the author is working on something different or has completely dropped it. <<less
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BobrykRori rated it
December 18, 2022
Status: c73
It's interesting story... was at the 10-35s chapters.

ML easily forgave girls, stepmother especially. That's no good. He just has mental issues. Because of that his hatred was blown away very fast.

No gloomy, just depression from youths.
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