Namjang Secretary


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In the Vice President of ELN’s secretarial office, Han Seo-won is impersonating her brother as a newly employed secretary.

Because of his new secretary, Vice President Lee Kang-joon can’t sleep.
Would his vivid dreams spiral the man out of control?

“Sir, I think it is better for you to stop and rest.”

“Rest? Because of you, I can’t sleep.”

Her heart thumped at that answer; somehow she knew this was something different from their past relationship.

“I’m going crazy dreaming of you moaning under me every night.”


“So I advise you to run away before you get eaten by me.”

Can Seo-won keep her secret to the end?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
남장 비서
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Skibidi list1
  2. "Novel" Read if you like
  3. Gender Bender (Female MC)
  4. kor novels
  5. Spicy novel kr with nice plot

Latest Release

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04/30/23 Zubeneschamali ss 2
04/30/23 Zubeneschamali ss 1
04/30/23 Zubeneschamali epilogue
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04/30/20 Zubeneschamali c32-33
02/27/20 Zubeneschamali c30-31
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12/24/19 Zubeneschamali c21-22
12/13/19 Zubeneschamali c19-20
12/06/19 Zubeneschamali c17-18
11/29/19 Zubeneschamali c15-16
11/22/19 Zubeneschamali c13-14
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Bishie_Lover rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: c42
dear LORD someone tell me how I finished this annoying mess of a story (I was hoping it would get better but it kept getting worse). And somehow it's now a manhwa? Let's hope the adaptation is better (it is so far by a bit and we're still in arc 1).

the writing was poor, the Korean romance tropes are taken to the excessively s*upid levels, the "missed timings" and "misunderstandings" were used at such a basic plot-device level it was silly, the cousin was literally unnecessary, the things that happened... more>> after they

got together (is this even a spoiler? Lol)

was nauseating and predictable. The twin bro's ending was also unnecessary.

the smut was decent at least? A star just for the smut. And another for me getting through this ridiculous thing.

thanks to Zuben for translating <<less
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