Myth: The Ruler of Spirituality


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The nascent Chaos had just been carved out, and the barren void welcomed the souls from the Otherworld.

As the first soul in the Chaos World, Laine automatically became the God of Spirituality.

However, divine power stems from Divine Power, and the existence of spirituality was insignificant; thus, the newly born Laine was extremely weak.

With no other choice, to avoid being overturned by the torrents of fate, Laine had to rely on himself.

He carved out realms, and birthed lives belonging solely to spirituality.

He created sequences, scattering the steps to deification.

He wove the Magic Net, enveloping the sky, the oceans, and the land.

When the bell of dusk sounded, I raised my divine seat and proclaimed to all beings from the pinnacle of the Spirit Realm:

There are two facets to the world, the material and the spiritual.

The material belongs to the gods, and the spiritual belongs to me, such is the ultimate truth of all things.

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Mythology: Spiritual Ruler
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