My Villain Son is Obsessed with Me


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I ran away, but they are looking for me.

I became the villain’s real mother in the novel [The Villain Obsesses Over Me] .

I was the worst of the worst, a wicked mother who forcibly instilled dark power and took away the emotions of a kind and gentle child. I became the kind of tr*sh who tried to control her child according to her own will.

Like the saying “evil begets evil,” I was destined to be killed by my son, who was captivated by that dark power.

So I ran away to avoid dying.

Anyway, after I disappeared, the real protagonists of the novel, the stepmother and her daughter, would appear. I thought this was the perfect ending… but then I heard strange rumors.

Rumors that my husband and son were looking for me.

So I eventually returned to the Duke’s family.

Despite my desperate efforts to escape, what awaited me was my husband and son’s excessive obsession.

“I wish mom would never open her eyes and just stay by my side forever.”

My son had such an obsession.

“My heart feels stifled. So try to love me again.”

My husband said strange things and went crazy trying to force love on me.

“I think I’ve come to love you. So while I still have patience, act appropriately and love me.”

Is this… right?

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악당 아들이 내게 집착한다
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