My Socially Anxious Boyfriend


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My boyfriend was extremely socially anxious. Even after living together for six months, I had never truly seen him.

In the morning, I would wake up to find a hearty breakfast laid out on the table, yet he was nowhere to be found.

In the evening, I would return home to a spotless house, with a delicious dinner ready and waiting.

I would thank him through the door, and he would always reply, “You’re welcome.”

One night, I woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly felt someone silently staring at me from the edge of the bed. Terrified, I screamed.

But he was even more frightened than I was, stumbling and scrambling to flee.

Later, I invited him to go on a trip with me.

He leaned against the crack of the door, shaking his head, “N-no… no…”

Frustrated, I said, “You’re definitely coming with me this time.”

From the door crack, he slid out a photo of himself along with 100,000 yuan. In a cautious voice, he said, “Take my photo with you. That way, it’ll feel like I’m right there with you.”

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New shinichilove rated it
January 27, 2025
Status: Completed
This short story is really funny and sweet. Both the ML and his family are very cute and funny.


The FML is also very considerate and understanding regarding ML's social anxiety. Although she pushes him to be outside she never forces him to do it and let's him take initiative to try and conquer his fears, which I think is a healthy approach about it. ML's parents are also very funny haha.


This is definitely worth the read. So far I liked all the stories translated by CrimsonTL.
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