My Shopping Mall is Connected to Ancient Times, I saved the Prince’s Mansion during Times of Famine


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In an accident, Si Si lost her parents and took over their family’s debt-ridden shopping mall.

That night, two “uninvited guests” appear in her room.

The uninvited guests are a pair of hungry kids from ancient times. Unexpectedly, the skinny and hungry kids have an uncle who was a prince and a grandmother who was an imperial concubine.

Because of a large-scale drought in their dynasty, countless people starved to death.

Si Si took a large amount of food from the supermarket to trade with Prince Rong. While saving countless people, she also used the antiques she obtained to save her family’s business.

She thought she could rely on the shopping mall left by her parents, and at the same time, she could communicate with the two ancient kids and live a beautiful life.

A sudden accident broke all of Si Si’s dreams.

She thought she died, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a magnified version of a handsome man in an ancient costume in front of her……

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1 Review

New dramamonster
Sep 26, 2024
Status: c233
I read the translator's 10 chapters, then read up to chapter 233 (the current latest chapter) by MTL.

FL lives in her family's heavily indebted and shuttered shopping mall. Through a portal, she helps 2 kids in a drought-ridden, starving fief from ancient times.

Later, the FL herself ends up in ancient times, ***HUGE SPOILERS***: ... more>>

reuniting with her parents, and using her shopping mall to help the ML, a responsible border prince, in rebuilding and protecting his fiefdom and his people.

Along the way, the ML discovers the truth behind several brave Generals' supposed deaths in battle, and gains their help as allies. I really liked this part as the world had more details.

By chapter 233, the story started to move towards a recognition that the awful, tyrannical Emperor needs to be overthrown, but first they need to investigate some more mysterious deaths and schemes and gather their own strength.


The FL can be a bit of a bland kind-modern-young-women type, but I really liked the plot and positive feel to the story which balanced it out.

If you like fluffy novels, inter dimensional spaces/travel, and ancient times, I'd recommend this. <<less
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