My Roommate’s Online Lover Is Me


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My roommate’s online crush from high school was me.

After entering college, I didn’t dare log into the game account anymore.

I originally planned to take this secret to the grave.

But when he borrowed my phone, he accidentally discovered it and suddenly turned cold.

“Chen Jing, was pretending to be a girl fun for you?”

“I was heartbroken for a year, and now you’re telling me you’re a guy?”

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2 Reviews sorted by

Callum Dixon
Callum Dixon rated it
October 17, 2024
Status: Completed
It was fine. Made me chuckle like twice. I personally felt there was very little development In the relationship- but it was short, so it wasn't an egregious jump. Usual overly possessive boyfriend things, but the shou didn't seem to mind at all so it wasn't annoying.

yeah- it was fine.
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Cheren rated it
October 28, 2024
Status: --
It's cute. Nothing too special, but a nice read to pass some time. The story is told from the shou's perspective, and the gong is initially a tsundere about his feelings when he finds out his first love was actually a guy, but I think that's normal for anyone who has to suddenly question their own sexuality. I appreciate the extra that's told from his perspective because it reveals he wasn't being intentionally hurtful with his words, even though ... more>>

it took him until the protagonist nearly moves out to realize how bad he's blundering repairing their relationship.

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