My Online Boyfriend Has Been Plotting Against Me for a Long Time


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If a person is like a rainbow, you only know they exist when you encounter them. I am a male author who writes about romance . Due to my poor driving skills in writing, I was forced to find a boyfriend online. One time, I was chatting with him.

‘Honey, I think the shoes of the sports department’s top student at our school are fake.’

A few minutes later, the sports department’s top student confronted me at the dormitory door, gritting his teeth. ‘Come closer and see if my shoes are real or not.’

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Lovefix rated it
September 20, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a cute short story between MC a novelist and ML the sports department Heart throb.


ML saw MC at a market and fell in love with him. His friend set up a Gay app account for him as a prank where he soon matches with MC and start online dating.. There is no smut just fluffy moments

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