My Husband Pretends to be a Villain


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Lenore, who didn’t mind if her husband paid her no attention as long as she had the freedom to lie down and read a book, got excited and started talking when Daniel showed interest in her favorite character.

“The Count of Tivonne doesn’t seem like someone who would attract affection. Despite various excuses, he’s ultimately a villain, and the number of people harmed by him is not small.”

Hearing her favorite character being criticized, she closed the door to her heart.

One day, while avoiding her husband whom she deemed an unworthy human being, Daniel suddenly did something strange.

“Your job is to spend all day brushing that silky hair of yours, and then climb into bed before I return….”

He started reciting lines from her favorite character that she had heard many times.

“How dare you sedu-sedu-seduce, no emb-embrace, or-or-or just sleep…!”

He stuttered through his words and then suddenly ran away. When she secretly followed him, she found him banging his head against a wall and lamenting.

“I practiced so hard, why did I freeze up, you idiot…!”

“What do you mean by acting practice?”

Seeing him unable to answer with his ears turning bright red, Lenore realized.

Does this man… like me?

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08/07/24 Salmon Latte Translations c1
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