My Heart was Dug Out at the Beginning, I Transplanted the Heart of the Demon Ancestor


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Fang Ling, who possesses the Chaos Sacred Body, was fiercely fought over by various forces since his birth. His heart, right eye, and treasured bone were successively taken away…

After many twists and turns, the critically ill Fang Ling was placed in front of an ancient temple by a kind-hearted person. No one knew that within this ancient temple, five unparalleled masters were in seclusion. They had been hiding there for tens of thousands of years, suppressing the Immortal Heart of the Demon Ancestor.

When the Immortal Heart erupted, the five masters were unable to contain it and took a desperate risk by implanting it into the infant’s body. The fusion of the incomplete Sacred Body and the Immortal Heart led to the birth of a peerless monster…

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At the start, my heart was removed, and I transplanted the heart of a demonic ancestor
kai ju xin zang bei wa, wo yi zhi mo zu zhi xin
Kāi jú xīn zàng bèi wā, wǒ yí zhí mó zǔ zhī xīn
처음에 심장이 빼앗겼고, 나는 마조의 심장을 이식했다
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