My Girlfriend, Who I Had Been Dating for a Year, Came Out From a Love Hotel With a Medical Student (Ntr…tears). On the Way Home, a Little Girl Was Drowning in the River, So I Rescued Her and Took Her Home, Which Turned Out to Be the Home of a School Idol


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On the day I was heartbroken, I met sisters, one an angelic girl and the other a beautiful S-class girl.


Spring in the second year of high school.

Konno Sota canceled his first anniversary date with a girl.

As Sota stumbles around, he comes across his girlfriend, Kuzutani Shiori, coming out of a love hotel with a rich and handsome medical student.

“What’s this dorky guy? Don’t tell me he knows Shiori?”

The handsome medical student looks down on Sota,

“Erm….. ah, yeah, it’s not that I know him, it’s that,…..he’s just a high school acquaintance.”

Sota despaired from the bottom of his heart at the words Shiori released.

He was being cuckolded by his beloved girlfriend with a handsome medical student—-!

An unexpected and sudden tragedy.

The despair that comes to him.

Sota was in grief, but on his way home, he happened to save a girl, Himemiya Mizuki, who was drowning in the river.

He takes her home, but it turns out to be the home of Hinemiya Yuka, the school’s idol—!

A heartbreak, a rescue, an encounter, and a shower together.

A roller coaster ride of a day, this is a romantic comedy of a sweet high school boy and girl !

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New Cheeseduckcg rated it
September 20, 2024
Status: c8
The title is pretty much the backstory of the first chapter. It's a little bit pointless, but maybe it'll come back into play later.

The little girl is cute and precocious, and showers with the male MC in first few chapters, which makes me a little worried that it'll end up being that.

However, up to this point, the younger sister seems to be acting as the matchmaker for the MC and the older sister, the 'idol' in the title.

The older sister is the perfectly smart, beautiful, sweet, cheerful, and friendly school... more>> idol, but she has no friends because everyone puts her on a pedestal. It's a tired trope at this point, to be honest.

Overall, I gave it 5 stars because the translator is doing a good job, the story doesn't suck, and it is exactly what you expect going in. <<less
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