My Girlfriend Is a Fan of Me


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The president of my broadcasting company, who was also my biggest fan and watched my broadcast every day without fail, turned out to be a woman.

And she was incredibly pretty.

But for some reason, she still fangirls over me even after we started dating.

Associated Names
One entry per line
My girlfriend teases me
여자친구가 나를 덕질한다
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AiriMage rated it
November 26, 2024
Status: c26
5 stars for the story, but loses 1 star due to the current translators sheer incompetence. The story, up to the point I've read it, has been almost entirely fluff so far, but in a way that builds the characters up nicely. It almost feels like a setup for the story to come when the two main characters get together; speaking of those main characters, I absolutely adore them. Our male protagonist is one of the rare genuinely good, but not exaggerated, Korean protagonist who's normalcy feels very fresh in... more>> comparison to more out there protagonist, while our female protagonist is a complex rich girl into business who's cute like a puppy and has some problems of her own she's currently working through. Overall, they're both very entertaining and adorable to watch.

As for the translators site, and the main thing I've got a problem with... well, it fing sucks. Nhvnovels has proven itself several times over to be one of the worst in translation, design and feedback across various novels, and I think this one's the pinnacle of their screw ups. To list just a few of their issues so far;

-Poor/MTL translation with inconsistent editing/proofreading, creating immense confusion when names change from one chapter to the next, or things that were translated from Korean to English before are suddenly just left in Korean. This is especially bad for names during "streams" in the series as you can't tell who's who due to all the names being written in Hangul.

-Text is sometimes repeated halfway through the chapter. Starting around chapter 15 or so, sometimes you'll get halfway into a chapter and it'll just repeat the entire first half of the page again, meaning you have to scroll down way further to skip past what you've already read to find where you were previously at. This isn't simply a once or twice thing, but something that's happened to over 7 chapters in a row at one point. Despite a month having passed, and the translators being contacted, nothing has been done to fix it. This is despite them claiming to accept feedback.

-Random chapter skips. This is something I only noticed 1~2 chapters ago, but it makes some of the earlier chapters I read (and will now have to go reread) make a lot more sense. The next chapter button on their website is broken and will sometimes skip you ahead anywhere from 1 to 4 chapters. I clicked next for chapter 27 and got sent all the way to 30. Really sucks for spoilers and missing bits of the story. If you're going to binge the current chapters, use NU as your next chapter button by keeping it open in another tab and updating the chapter you're at as you go along, otherwise you'll quickly miss a lot of what you should be reading.

That about sums up my issues with the translators so far. If I discover more issues, I'll post them to warn those who come to read after me; despite all that said though, I'd like to make it clear that the story itself is more than worth reading despite these issues with the translators.


Series has been officially dropped by nhvnovels for a bit now, so to anyone looking to pick it up, I recommend you wait for... well, literally any other translation group to pick it up. Speaking of those potential translation groups, if ya do pick up the series and translate it well I'll raise my review to 5 stars and scratch that stuff about nhvnovels out of my review. <<less
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Insaniah rated it
October 19, 2024
Status: c21
I read this with low expectations but it's written quite nicely so far. The main character is just and nice, one with no real malicious intent or cunning. I like him. He streams under just chatting, giving advice. But the story doesn't really focus on the advice he gives. I think the content was chosen to showcase his character and his uniqueness in the space amidst all the gameplay and variety content. The author captured the atmosphere of a small stream quite well, minus the fact that he has an... more>> oil daddy as a regular in chat. And the oil daddy is a beautiful woman. And not just any woman, but a CEO. And not just any CEO, but one of the biggest names in the industry. In spite of the clear fantasy revolving the woman, her portrayal as a shy figure before the MC makes her someone I can root for. If she were simply a cold high-and-mighty CEO, I can't say I'd say the same.

Give it a shot, its decent <<less
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