My Genre Is Different From Everyone Else’s


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The sky collapsed, and unknown beings—monsters and class officials alike—appeared in our world.

Those who wanted to survive the monsters had to change classes through the class officials.

However, every class official I approached turned me away, refusing to let me change classes…

Just as I was pushed to the brink of death, chased by a monster, I encountered a strange class official.


The awkwardness of being the only one who listened to the teacher and wore my uniform when everyone else was in casual wear.

The embarrassment of being the only one whose identity stood out because we were told to wear our uniform for the school trip—and that was exactly what I did—when everyone else came in everyday clothes.

That was a drop in the ocean.

Everyone else wore armour and robes, while I stood off to the side, the only person dressed in a dopo and durumagi.

The reporter asked me,

“How do you feel on this monumental day when hunters from all over the world have gathered?”

I answered honestly,

“I feel like the only one filming an Eastern fantasy while everyone else is off filming a Western fantasy.”

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