My Friend Who Confessed to the Girl I Like is Acting Strange


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On the day I asked my friend Shindo Arata for advice on the girl I like, Tachibana Airi, the good-looking Arata confesses his love to Tachibana san before me.

[Okay. I’ll go out with you.]

–It’s over.

A beautiful couple was born. But that thought was short-lived, for the next day I was subjected to a mysterious and intense attack from Tachibana san.

On the contrary, one after another misfortunes happen to Arata…….

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New Touch-San rated it
September 17, 2024
Status: --
Dropped this at the chapter it was revealed that the FL is manipulating both the tr*shy "best friend" and the MC. She basically strong-armed the "friend" into being a skinhead. Sure he deserves to be taken down a peg, but she's clearly just doing this because she enjoys watching him ruin his life. A shining beacon of morality this FL is not.

I'm sure all the 1 stars (mine included) aren't for that reason though. No the main reason this gets a 1 is because in accepting the asshat friend's confession,... more>> in addition to the bento chapter, she's shown that she's blatantly toying with the MC's feelings, and the MC, being the simp that he is, muses about how much he's still in love with this walking red-flag. Seriously dude, have some f*cking self respect.

For me at least, this is probably the worst novel Dasui's picked up since Love Glasses all the way back in December of last year. <<less
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