My Ex-Husband Is My Neighbor


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Time rewound, and it was ironically the morning after their wedding night.

“Did you sleep well, Catherine?”

The voice of her husband, which she now properly heard, was exceedingly kind. She had misunderstood and hated him because of a wicked stepmother.

“I’m sorry to say this at such a time… but let’s divorce, Hugo.”

On the third day of their marriage, Catherine asked for a divorce for his sake.


Catherine was the last descendant of the ‘Clan of Love’ that brings true love to others. After divorcing her husband, she planned to collect the holy water of love by connecting other people’s love. But…

“Long time no see, Catherine.”
“I guess I should call you my neighbor now, not my wife.”

Her ex-husband Hugo moved in next door to Catherine?!

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전남편은 이웃사촌
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February 14, 2022
Status: c4
The translation is a bit clunky and the author rushes through the set up of the situation's complicated back story. While I appreciate not slogging through 50+ chapters of preamble to get to the meat of the situation, cramming it all in under 2 chapters of glossed-over, rushed explanation, does it a bit of disservice.


Catherine is the secret decendant of some mystical clan through her late mother's side, and inherited their magic necklace. Every time the owner of the necklace makes a love match for someone else by acting as... more>> their matchmaking cupid, another drop of liquid fills the necklace. When full, you get a wish.

In her previous run through life, Catherine married Hyugo, whom she loved to pieces and was left miserable by. He was rarely to never home, and if then, never longer than a month at a time. He was cold, neglectful, and seemed obsessed with money and going to war. No matter how much she begs, he refuses to give her any time off from the battlefield, even when she is sick and (possibly?) dying (translation unclear).

Anyways, she discovers the secret why after 10 years of begging for scraps of affection from the absent and taciturn Hyugo: her dad and stepmother are money-sucking scumbags. They essentially forced Hyugo to sign what is tantamount to a s*ave contract in order for their permission to marry Catherine, and demand he sends them extremely high payments of cash each month, under threat that they will take Catherine back and dissolve the marriage if he won't. This is the reason why Hyugo is never home and is obsessively partaking in battles to earn cash.

I have many issues with this premise. Catherine is a grown adult at this point, with a decade of marriage under her belt: if she wanted to stay married, how could they stop her? But whatever. It seems he was an extremely minor lord and they took serious advantage of his lower position.


Upon learning this secret and seeing her husband begging her scumbag parents on his knees because he missed a few payments, Catherine uses the necklace wish left from her mother; wishing that she and Hyugo could get back the time stolen from them. Her wording was ambiguous, however. She wakes up the day after her wedding night. Wanting to free Hyugo, and brittle from a decade of neglect and lies, (she's is certain Hyugo had all the love for her slowly snuffed out of him by her family's greediness) she immediately asks for a divorce (ouch!) and is able to act quickly enough with lawyers and the like to abscond to the Capital with her hefty dowry and her freedom before her scumbag family catches wind that she canceled her marriage and took off with the cash.

There, she has set up a large house and hosts unmarried gentlewomen, whom she provides matchmaking services for, earning a reputation and living as she slowly refills the magical necklace. She obsessively facebook stalks her ex husband, whom she still has feelings for, kind of refuses to help any girls who want to get with him, and hasn't really moved on to find someone new herself.

It's now been 4 years since her divorce. She has a successful, independent set up in the Capital and is 5 matches away from refilling the necklace for another wish. Then her new neighbor moves in: her ex husband, Hyugo.

See, without a wife, and without Catherine's family to bleed him dry, Hyugo threw himself into his mercenary work and made absolute bank. Now filthy rich, he's bought the mansion next door, and seems ready to flash some cash and find a wife.

Catherine can't figure out if he wants revenge for the humiliation of being dumped the morning after, a second chance with her to try again, a new wife via her matchmaking services, or if this is all some terrible coincidence. Still, she is half agony, half hope at this situation.

Hopefully the pace becomes more reasonable (because holy crap, all of the above happened in the first 2 chapters). If it does, I can see liking this story tremendously. It has an air of Jane Austen's Persuasion to it so far, which has me excited. I like that they seem to have fixed (most of) their own personal sh**, so now they are free to get back together as more-mature, emotionally ready, people.

This is definitely going to be filled with pining on both sides as these still-besotted, lovesick saps stare longingly at each other over the property line and misunderstand everything because they're are the worst at communicating, yet always willing to sacrifice everything for the other one. But, they really do love each other, even as they do s*upid things "for his/her own good!" and think the other one would be better off without them. My dearest wish would be for our MC to just grab her ex husband and drag him into a closet to make out, but I don't think it's that sort of story ;) <<less
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