My Ex-Husband Clings Like a Leech


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“I do not have the hobby of sharing what is mine with others.”

This was what her ex-husband spat out in response to Therese’s request for a divorce.

But how did things end up like this?

In this second chance at life, she had promised herself never to fall in love again.

Yet her ex-husband had become utterly leech-like, refusing to let go.

“I assume you like my face.”

“I’d prefer to stay where you can see me.”

“I find myself getting jealous all the time.”

He would say these nonsensical things,

but Therese had no intention of repeating her foolish past.

She knew that the only end to this hellish marriage was death.

Nevertheless, her husband’s obsession continued endlessly.


“I have not changed my mind about wanting a divorce, Your Grace.”

“You will find it hard to understand me.”

At that moment, tears started flowing down the Duke’s cheeks.

“For someone like me, there’s no room for a new love.”

The Duke whispered as his long fingers tousled Therese’s silver hair.

The tremor at his fingertips told her it was genuine.

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