My Dungeonverse: Over 147 Trillion Strong


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Shunned at a family banquet and marked for death after uncovering the grim truth about his mother’s mu*der, Lee Si-Hyeok, a half-out monk of the formidable Lee Cheonmu clan, finds himself teetering on the brink of demise. In a bid to elude the clan’s assassins, Lee, a Black Grade porter, hastily seeks refuge in a high-tier Gate.

He’s forced into a deadly confrontation with a formidable 5-star monster, Talasia.

[I can’t die like this!]

Facing certain death and fueled by a mix of fear and revelation, he unlocks the profound secrets of his unique subspace ability. This unexpected awakening triggers a 10-year regression, offering him a second chance to alter his destiny and exact vengeance for his mother’s unjust death.

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내 아공간 속 던전 147,916,482,938개
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09/10/24 Media Tag c1
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