My Childhood Friend Had Already Been NTR’d. I Was Ridiculed in Secret, But Before I Knew It, I Became a Lovey-Dovey Couple with the School Idol. ‘Do You Actually Like Me?’ Stop It, My Girlfriend Is Scary


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After entering high school, I worked part-time almost every day. I saved money for my childhood friend, who said she liked me. But all that money was spent on hotel stays with another guy. When I found out the truth and confronted her, she told me I had been deceived and that she didn’t really like me at all. I was ridiculed by my classmates and the entire school, which drove me into despair and left me hopeless about life. However, I happened to meet the most beautiful girl in school, and we started talking about video games.

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New TheLazyNub rated it
October 30, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm honestly conflicted about this one. I really hate NTR but this one covered it pretty well. The 'revenge' tag isn't really necessary here though. I guess I would rather call it maybe 'Just desserts' or something.

The cheater and her guy both find bad-ends but the MC didn't do it so it's not really revenge.


The story is pretty short (obviously) and the results were satisfying enough for a high school age ntr-drama. If this played out the same way but in college or working age I would've been entirely dissatisfied with the ending though.

Also, the title pretty much gives the entire plot away although the 'in secret' part is false. There's no secrecy about him being ridiculed.

TL did a good job with this one. Clean editing and no complaints with the grammar really.

3/5 because I didn't feel like I wasted my time reading it.
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