My Beloved Consort


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I was the Crown Prince’s favored consort. He treated me exceptionally well, but what he didn’t know was that I was a spy from an enemy nation.

For three consecutive years, I secretly sent out intelligence.

Later, when the Crown Prince ascended the throne and wanted to make me Empress, I couldn’t hold back any longer and went to meet with my contact.

“There was no task about becoming Empress in the mission! When can I leave?”

My contact was dumbfounded: “Huh? The two nations made peace three years ago. You didn’t know?”

I was dumbfounded too. Then, who had I been sending all that intelligence to over the years?

Late at night, the Emperor held me tenderly and said, “My love, let me read you a bedtime story.”

The more I listened to the story, the more alert I became.

Damn it, wasn’t this the intelligence report I had written?

The Emperor paused for a moment and said, “Oh, wrong one.”

He slowly switched to another book: “Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and on the mountain, there was a temple…”

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3 Reviews sorted by

New Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
February 11, 2025
Status: Completed
This novel was simple ancient spy plot mixed with romance & comedy. Albeit forgettable, this is okay to past time for reading a short novel.

The FL here was simple minded but super dramatic lol. She obviously got no talent for spying but just put on the role hahaha

ML and his attitude were confusing at first, while plot twists might not be well-executed but understandable (as short novel need to solve problem fast).
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New chande rated it
January 22, 2025
Status: Completed
The premise of this story actually made me a bit uncomfortable. MC said she loved ML but she still willingly wrote some intelligences about him from time to time. Even when she knew that the 2 countries already in peace, she still wanted to abandon ML.

But the twist in near the end of the story changed my mind. I won't spoil it though since I'm afraid it would ruin the fun of reading the story.
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ntww12 rated it
January 22, 2025
Status: Completed
LOVE THIS! Basically a spy romcom!!! It’s a cute short story and the perfect bite sized story.

As mentioned in the summary, FL is a spy from an enemy nation and was tasked to send information about the Crown Prince. We’ll find out exactly what happened as the story unfolds and it’s an amazing plot twist!

Highly recommended. Thank you for the lovely translation.
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