My Beautiful Sister and Me


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A mother who showers affection on my beautiful younger sister while ignoring me, her elder daughter. A father indifferent to family matters.

Despite such an environment, I have an unexpectedly strong will.

This is the story of my journey until the day I finally leave that household.

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New Asphyxia778 rated it
January 25, 2025
Status: Completed
I like that MC and her sister have a good relationship. MC's mother is definitely toxic and honestly good on MC for cutting her off from her life basically ignoring all of the bullsh*t she spouts. Love MC working independently for herself.
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GwenPenn234 rated it
January 19, 2025
Status: Completed
A cute short story. I love sisterly bonding stories. The sisters are there for each other and other family members just don't matter. The mother was a lite version of my own mother so I understood why the MC just let it roll of her back. It is just not worth fighting with someone like that. It's best to cut all ties as soon as possible.
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